civil war -pt 2-

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After getting thrown by Falcons robot, which really hurt, I see Scarlet Witch, and Clint running with Captain America, Ant-Man and the people I just fought.

Vision shoots his mind stone to trap them! That's so cool. I need to talk to him.

"Captain Rodgers, I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good..."

Mr. Stark and Black Widow started to line up with Vision who was flying in the air.

"You must surrender now." He finishes and Black Panther jumps in. Now, that was a dramatic entrance.


Everyone started to line up. War Machine comes and poses. Peter flips in. So dramatic. I decide to hop on the trend and I Vapor-Travel over. Both teams are lined up just staring at each other. I don't want to hurt anyone on either teams.

I'm just going to make sure no one gets hurt. I know they are going to regret it massively if they hurt someone.

"What do we do Cap?" I hear Falcon say.

"We fight" Steve says.

Oh gods.

"This is gonna end well." I hear Black Widow say sarcastically.

"I agree." I say over comms matching her tone.

Everyone starts to walk and then slowly break into a jog towards each other.

"They're not stopping." I hear Peter say. It must be scary for him going into his first battle against other Avengers who have way more experience.

"Neither are we." Tony responds quickly.

Now everyone has broken off into a sprint, and the people who can fly go up in the air.

I was in the air using water to lift me up. Everyone starts fighting and I'm standing off to the side. You can't even tell who is fighting who, they are switching up so fast.

Wanda is using her powers on Peter to lift him up, Clint is shooting arrows at Vision. Tony and Captain America are fighting. Black Widow and the Ant Guy I think, and Rhodey is chasing Falcon.

There is this new guy he is in a cat suit, and he is fighting The Winter Soldier.

It's kind of 50/50. You don't know who is going to win.

Black Widow gets slammed into a truck by Wanda. Ooh, that must have hurt. I go over to her and hold out my hand, "You good?"

"Peachy." She replies sarcastically.

I smile, "I'm Percy."

"Natasha." She smirks back.

"I didn't kill your father." I run over to see what was happening. The cat guy and Winter Soldier was fighting.

Oh, the cat guy was out for vengeance. He wanted pay back.

Cat Guy was about to kill Bucky, but Wanda stepped in and flung him into a building.

Peter comes swinging and Captain America threw his shield at him, and cut his web that he was swinging on. He fell but rolled out of it.

"That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all." Such a dork.

"Look, kid, there's a lot going in here that you don't understand."

"Mr. Stark said you'd say that. Wow."

That's where I stepped in, "Look, Steve. Don't talk to him like he's a baby. I'm pretty sure he knows what is going on. Worry about yourself and let him fight for what he thinks is right."

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