a shoulder to cry on

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Percy was acting weird at dinner. Then he just threw up. He said he ate too much, but he only ate a slice of pizza.

Percy stood up as though nothing had happened. He walked over to the sink and washed his face off, he looked much more alive and better after he did that.


After that chaotic mess, I went to the sink and washed my face with water. I felt energized after that, and went up to my room. I still had a bag that I packed with me in my room, so I opened it looking at the contents inside.

a change of clothes, and an extra dagger.

My eyes fell on the last thing remaining in the small book bag.

a scrap book.

It was made by Chiron and some other campers after the war as a present. It had pictures of all of my friends and I, and most importantly, my wise girl.

I started looking through the pages, seeing pictures of my mom and I, then Grover and I when we were just twelve years old.

I looked so young and innocent, if only I knew what was going to happen to me in the future.

Maybe I could have prevented everyone's deaths that were my fault. Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Luke, Selina, Bianca, Annabeth.

and much more.

I heard a knock at my door. I wiped the tears  coming from my eyes. I didn't realize I was crying.

"Come in." I say.

I heard the door knob turn, and Natasha came in.

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay. You looked pretty sick, and I don't think one piece of pizza will do that to you."

"Uh yeah, I'm fine. I just have a weird relationship with eating and everything. So, sometimes even if I just eat a piece of something, I'll still end up getting sick." I said.

She nodded, and her eyes drifted around the room, looking at everything. Her eyes settled on the scrapbook still laying on my bed open.

She was looking at the pictures on it, until she saw the one of Annabeth and I, kissing each other with blue on our faces from attempting to make blue cookies.

I remember that day, the war with Kronos had just ended. It was a week before I was kidnapped, and I went home to see my mom. I took Annabeth with me, and we were making blue cookies. It eventually turn into a full on batter war. Cleaning that up was not fun.

"Percy? You there?" I heard a voice say.

"Oh yeah. Sorry I must have zoned out."

"Yeah you definitely did." She answered. We sat there for a few seconds on an awkward silence. "No need to pry or anything," Natasha started, "but is that your girlfriend?"

She spoke in a voice that sounded like my mom when she teased me and Annabeth. Natasha was wiggling her eyebrows a bit waiting for my answer.

I smiled, but it quickly faded away realizing I don't have a girlfriend anymore. My whole life was taken away from me.

"I did, um, she died. A few weeks ago." I tried my best not to cry, but a few tears slipped through.

Natasha pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help it, I just started sobbing. I just needed this one moment where I can finally get comfort.

After uncontrollably sobbing, I finally let go and realized how I barely knew this girl, and I was just sobbing on her shoulder.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I did not mean to just-"

She interrupted me, "Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong. You're fine. We all need a shoulder to cry on. Anyway, I needed to tell you that Tony wanted to give you a check up after that whole scene in the living room."

"A check up?"

ok, i want to formally apologize. i have not kept up with my updating schedule. i went on vacation and i've had testing, tons of end of school year work i've also had major writers block!

i'm so sorry for the short chapter and lack for updating!

a break - percy jackson x avengers storyWhere stories live. Discover now