civil war -pt. 1-

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Oh, now I get it. We are just going to the airport because Captain America is there. Not going to lie, I'm excited to meet Captain America and Black Widow. They were always my favorite superheroes, even though we are on opposite teams.

I'm standing by Peter while he is waiting for Tony to give him the signal to attack. I'm kind of in the background because Tony doesn't really know what I can do yet.

Peter is talking to his phone, and narrating the whole thing.

"Peter, he's going to call you any minute now you need to be ready."

On cue Tony shouts out, "Underoos!"

Peter jumps out and steals Cap's shield. I'm sure he was pretty proud of himself after that.

He tried to say hi to everybody, but it just came out as a stuttering mess. I chuckled while facepalming my forehead.

He is so nervous and I can tell. I know he wants to prove himself in front of the Avengers, but let's be honest it's not a big deal.


Oh my god! I just stole Captain Americas shield. This. Is. Awesome.

After I say hi to everyone, Cap looks at me with a smirk on his face. Was I not intimidating? Maybe I was just talking too much. It's okay, I just have to impress Mr. Stark.

When I came back to reality, Mr. Stark was yelling at Cap. About some girl named Wanda, being rescued. I have no idea what they were talking about, but I'll just go with it.

Hawkeye shot an arrow through my webs around Captain's wrist.

"All right Lang." Cap says through his comms. What was happening...?

"Hey guys, something-"

There was a tiny guy on the shield with water surrounding him in a bubble.

Percy steps out, "I saw this guy about to kick Spider-Man in the face." He floats the guy who is probably Lang around.

"Guys, this scary guy is keeping me from getting big again."

Percy smirks and drops him.

Everyone looks at Percy with confusion. He's still new, so they probably have no idea who he is.


I put the tiny dude in a little bubble of water, of course he could still breath. I'm not that mean.

Everyone stared at me with confused looks because obviously, they didn't know who I was.

After I dropped him, I decided I should introduce myself.

"Hey everyone, I'm Tidal-Wave. Sorry we met like this but, I didn't have a choice."

Everyone nodded their heads and got back to fighting each other.

They were taking over positions and he didn't really tell me where to go, so I just stood around waiting for something to happen.

"Hey Mr. Stark, what should I do?" I hear Peter over comms.

"What we discussed, keep your distance and web 'em up." He says with attitude. Jeez, Tony is nice sometimes, but he needs to cut the attitude towards my cousin.

But Peter obviously didn't notice the attitude, so he just said 'Copy that!' Or something among those lines.

Peter was going after Barnes and Falcon, so I decided to follow.

"What the hell was that?" Bucky, I think his name is- asked.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now." Falcon says annoyed. I was behind them but they didn't notice me.

Peter slammed into the glass and starts fighting the Winter Soldier.

"You have a metal arm? That is awesome dude."

"Pet- err Spider-Man, stay focused!" I yell out.

Too late. Falcon slams into him and Winter Soldier looks at me.

I jump down from where I was hiding.

"Who the hell are you?" He says. "I'm kind of new, so you have probably never heard of me, but I'm Percy."

He stared at me. "Are you fighting with us, or.."

"You know, I don't really know. I just came to help my cousin. Who is Spider-Man. So I guess not. It was cool meeting you, but I think we have to fight now."

He quickly throws a punch. I catch it and judo-flip him, Annabeth style. I freeze him to the ground when Peter comes back and webs him and Falcon up.

I leave knowing Peter has this handled. I hear a scream, that obviously belongs to Peter. He's being dragged out by Falcon's pet robot thing.

He's got this.

I stay quiet in the sidelines some more and watch what is happening. Iron Man is talking to Hawkeye and another girl who I think is Wanda.

Hawkeye shoots and arrow and I knew it was a trick. Hawkeye never misses. He could definitely be an Apollo kid.

"Made you look." I heard him say.

A bunch of cars come tumbling down with a red aura covering them all. A sea green aura covers the red and I push them all away. I don't want to hurt anyone, because I know both sides have faults and it's really hard to chose a side.

"Thanks kid." Tony says while flying away.

Hawkeye and Wanda look up at me in surprise.

"So what is your name, because I don't think I have heard of you before." I said directing at Wanda.

"Why are you talking to me, we are on opposite sides." She says in a thick Russian accent. Woah she does not look Russian.

"Well I don't really know which side I'm on," I start. "Both teams have faults. I'm just here to help my cousin, and make sure nobody get hurt."

Hawkeye steps up to me and shakes my hand. "I'm Clint Barton."

I shake it back, "I'm Rip-Tide, but my name is Percy."

He steps back. "Nice to meet you, and this is Wanda."

I smile at her, "Well I gotta check on my cousin, see you guys later." I flash another smile before leaving.

I hear an explosion, and a truck is right on front of War Machine, with tiny dude, Captain America, and Black Widow.

"Hey, do any of you know how the tiny guys name is."

"I have no idea." I hear Rhodes say out of breath.

"That's Ant-Man." Peter says. Of course he knows who it is.

I start to hear but and pieces of Black Widow's and Iron Man's conversation.

"..Plan was to.. go easy.. wanna switch it up?"

Oh god. This is going to get messy.

-Hey everyone! Sorry about lack of updating, my iPad broke, so now I have to switch back and fourth between Disney+ and Wattpad. So it gets annoying. Anyway I hope everyone is staying safe.

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