╰┈➤ ❝ [ꜱʏʟᴠɪᴇ] ❞

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They walked around Lamentis-1 for a while, dodging the meteors whenever they were headed towards them.

Loki and Y/N followed the Variant closely as she was the only one who seemed to have an idea of where she was going.

"So, what's the plan?" Loki raised his voice, with Y/N trudging by his side.

"There's a town near here. And can you shut up?" she added as a rock fell a few feet away as Y/N moved closer to Loki, "Just because I have to work with you both doesn't mean I wanna hear your voices,"

"All right, well—slow down, Variant," Loki and Y/N trotted forward to catch up with her.

"What part of imminent death confuses you? And don't call me 'Variant'"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not calling some faded photocopy of me 'Loki',"

"Good. 'Cause, that's not who I am anymore. I'm Sylvie now,"

"You change your name. Brilliant,"

"It's called an alias,"

"It's not very Loki-like," the God of Mischief muttered.

"Yeah? What exactly makes a Loki a Loki?" Sylvie spared a glance at him.

"Independence, authority, style," he boasted in pride.

"So, naturally you both went to work for the boring, oppressive time police." Sylvie looked at the couple as they continued to stroll.

"I don't work for them. I'm a consultant," he clarified.

"It's not even called 'working' unless you get paid, which I don't. And I should be for putting up with this moron," Y/N jabbed a thumb at the god beside her.

"Ouch," Loki deadpanned.

Sylvie cracked a smile at her comment, "Think I'm starting to like you,"

"I tend to have that effect on people," Y/N gave her a side-grin.

"You two don't know what you want," Sylvie told both of them.

"Oh, yeah? What about you?" Loki retorted, "Your years-in-the-making plan was to tear the place down, create the ultimate power vacuum, and then just walk away," Loki lifted his hands at his sides, "I'd never have done that,"

"Yeah? Well, I'm not you," she continued to step backward, keeping an eye on the pair, "Can we get on with this now?"

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The trio continued to walk until they entered a small abandoned-looking town. The doors of houses were left ajar, while some were destroyed. Several tanks leaked liquids into the ground as a result of meteors breaking into them.

"It looks like everything already fled," Loki observed.

"If they did, it was in vain," Sylvie answered.

"How long do we have?" Y/N questioned.

"Twelve hours or so. Things down here are only gonna get worse. More meteors, gravity quakes, and of course, the collapse of society in the face of annihilation,"

They reached a small building that had its symbol sign light up in an unrecognizable language.

"Could that charge the TemPad?" Loki pointed at it.

"Maybe," Sylvie strode over it and looked in the window of the building, "I'm just checking the coupling. Making sure it can connect," she pulled the wires off the signboard.


"Okay. Hand it over," she held out a hand, making Loki laugh humourlessly.

"Very predictable," Y/N scoffed, "Typical,"

"Pitiful. I'm not giving it to you," Loki added, "You're gonna have to try harder than that."

"Then don't give me your 'tech savvy' ideas either. The TemPad requires a massive power source, not a night light," Sylvie elaborated as they walked away from the building and towards the outskirts of the town.

As they continued to walk, they spotted a small house, not too far from the small town. The three approached and walked up the porch quietly as Sylvie pulled out her sword.

"Brute force is no substitute for diplomacy and guilds," Loki nodded towards the weapon in her hand.

"Noted," she placed a hand on his forearm with a sarcastic nod and kicked the door open.

A woman was sitting on the other side of the door and fired the weapon in her hand at her, causing Sylvie to be thrown off the porch of the house.

Y/N snickered to herself as Loki grinned, "It's remarkable that you ever made it as far as you did." Loki told Sylvie and moved a step closer to the door, not facing the woman just yet, "Sorry about that,"

"Don't be. I enjoyed it," the woman replied calmly.

"I did too," he agreed with a chuckle, "But I can assure you, despite our acquaintance behaving like an animal—uh, we mean you no harm. We're simply weary travellers,"

"Sure you are,"

Y/N watched in silence as Loki changed his appearance into the photo of a man in the house.

Taking slow steps, Loki stood in front of the woman at the door, "Hello, dear."

"Patrice?" The woman disbelieved.

He sobbed to himself, "It—it's been a long time. You're as beautiful as—" the woman blasted Loki as he turned back to himself and he skidded to a stop beside Sylvie.

Y/N let out a loud laugh, "That was hilarious! But nothing beats Hulk thrashing you up though," she continued to chortle.

The woman walked out of her house and she pointed her blaster at Y/N, who held her hands up and walked down the porch to join the other two.

"Patrice never said a thing that nice in 30 years. You're no travellers, you're devils," the woman snarled at the trio.

"What was that? Diplomacy?" Sylvie teased in mock thought.

"Don't," Loki raised a finger, breathing heavily, "Just don't,"

"Did you know about the time he got flipped about on the ground like a rag doll by the Hulk?" Y/N spoke in merriment, holding a hand out to him to help him up to his feet.

"No she does not," Loki snapped his head to her, accepting her hand and pulling himself up, "And she never will,"

Y/N rolled her eyes at him and titled her head to the side to look at a confused Sylvie and mouthed, 'I'll tell you later'.

"What do you devils want with me?" the woman inquired, holding the gun threateningly.

"We just wanna ask you a question," Y/N turned to her, "Where is everyone?"

"The ark. The evaluation vessel,"

"Something like that would have enough juice to reposed the TemPad," Sylvie whispered to them.

"How do we get there?" Loki interrogated.

"Train station's the edge of town," she gestured towards her right, "But you'll never get a ticket,"

"Come on, let's go," Sylvie led the way once again as they began their travel towards the train station.

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