╰┈➤ ❝ [ʀɪᴅᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇᴜɴɪᴏɴꜱ] ❞

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Y/N opened her eyes with a groan when she found herself under a tree trunk. Looking around, she observed her surroundings to be overgrown scenery, accentuated with destroyed materials that she was both familiar and unfamiliar with.

She propped herself off the floor dusting her palms together. Y/N heard a rumbling sound behind her and turned to see a smoke shooting towards her.

She didn't know what it was, but her immediate instinct was to run. And that's what she did. Y/N noticed another streak of dark smoke headed towards her and picked up her pace.

She slowed to a jog when she noticed a blue tattered car in the distance headed right towards her.

Y/N made her way towards it and the vehicle and the door of the passenger seat flew open. She was quick to get in and the car began to move again at its highest possible speed.

"Shut the door, we still got a situation here," Mobius spoke from the driver's seat.

"Mobius!" Y/N exclaimed, a smile stretching across her face at the sight of the man behind the wheel, "Beulla! Sylvie!" she noticed the two women behind her.

"Hello," Sylvie gave her a shy smile.

"Good to see that you're not eaten by the grumpy cloud," Beulla waved at her with a beam.

"So, this is the Void huh?" Y/N turned to the front.


"By the way, you should be careful just jumping into a stranger's car like that," Mobius side-glanced at her.

"Watch out!"

"I see it, I see it," he replied, having a good grip on the steering wheel.

"Really?" Sylvie scoffed, "You're driving right towards it,"

"God, you really are one of you. Hang on,"

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Mobius had slowed down the car after he was sure that they had lost the tail of the raging cloud that had been chasing them.

"All that time, I really believed we were the good guys," Beulla broke the silence, wording her thoughts.

"Annihilating entire realities, orphaning little girls, classic hero stuff," Sylvie remarked sarcastically.

"Well, I guess when you think the ends justify the means, there's not much you won't do," Mobius defended his best friend, "By the way, you did some annihilating too.

"I did what I had to do,"

"Yeah, so did we,"

"You two hunted me like a dog,"

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