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The trio reached the train station to see a long line of people in a line as a few walked past them and into the train.

"Well, this looks fun," Y/N stared at the long queue of people.

"Come on," Sylvie led the two as they walked beside the line.

"We can't fight our way onto that train," Loki stated.

"Who said anything about fighting?" Sylvie questioned.

"All your plans involve fighting," Y/N shrugged.

"Not this one," She moved closer to whisper, "I'm going to enchant a guard, have him lead us through the crowd, and if anyone gives us any trouble,"

"Make him start shooting? And then what, kill every guard and hijack the train?" Loki prompted.

"Whether or not there's a fight is entirely up to them," Sylvie replied smoothly.

"We're doing this one my way," He rested both his hands on Y/N's shoulder moved to the side, appeared in a suit that the guards were dressed in when he moved to the other side, "How do I look?"

"Like someone with a shit plan," she deadpanned.

"Have to agree," Y/N nodded.

"It's a great plan," Loki defended, "Just follow my lead," he caught both of their upper arms and lead them forward towards the harbour.

"To Shuroo?" A guard asked Loki and he just bobbed his head in affirmation.

"This way, sir," He gestured us to go as he continued to push them forward.

"Let us in! Women and children," A woman yelled at the guards, who ignored her, "They're only giving tickets out to the wealthy! What about us?"

"Tickets?" The guard asked the couple in front of them. After they passed, the trio tried to follow, but the guard put his hand out to block their way, "Whoa! Hey!"

"Taking these two to Shuroo," Loki spoke in an unusually deep voice.

"Okay. And the tickets?"

"Orders come from the top to get them on this train,"

"Sir, this—" The guard began to call the other one close to him; Sylvie quickly stepped forward placing her hand on his arm, enchanting him. She quickly stepped away as the other guard strode toward them.

"Everything okay?" He asked the guard.

"Yeah, everything's fine," the man under the enchantment replied, "Yeah, I just remembered that headquarters radioed in their request for them this morning,"

"Okay," the guard sighed, approving their entrance into the train.

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Some doors slid open as Loki kept pushing the two women forward, "Good evening, passengers, hi." he greeted a few people who turned towards their arrival.

Y/N slid into the seat while Sylvie sat on the end of the seat, facing the door that they came through.

"Um, uh, look, I can't go backwards on a train," Loki tried to explain to Sylvie.

"Well, I never sit with my back to a door," she responded, adjusting herself in such a way that she had a side look of both the doors.

What?" He looked around, "There are doors on both sides," he gestured at each of them at the ends of the compartment.

"Oh, just sit down," Y/N coaxed him, making him oblige with a sigh.

"FYI, that wasn't even a plan," Sylvie leaned forward.

"Oh, really?" Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Plans have multiple steps. Dressing as a guard and getting on a train is just doing a thing,"

Sylvie muffled a yawn and Loki faked concern, "Oh, you a bit tired? Feel free to, you know, get some rest,"

"I can't sleep in a place like this,"

"You can't sleep on a train?" Y/N questioned.

"No. I can't sleep around untrustworthy people," she looked from the god to the warrior.

"How ironic,"

"But you feel free to take a nap," She offered sarcastically.

"Nice try," Loki whispered.

"I'm not gonna waste my time rooting around for the TemPad when someone taught you two fairly decent magic,"

"My mother,"

Sylvie stared at him for a few moments, "What was she like?"

"She was, um," Loki swallowed, "A Queen of Asgard. She was good. Purely decent,"

"Are you sure she was your mother?"

"Oh, no, she's not actually. I was adopted," He elaborated, but then winced, "Is that a bit of a spoiler for you? Sorry about that,"

"No, I knew I was adopted," Sylvie declared.

"What? They told you?" Loki asked in confusion and disbelief.

"Yeah. Did they not tell you?" 

"No, I mean, they did, eventually," he brushed off the bad memory, "So, tell me about your mother,"

"I barely remember her," Sylvie answered, "Just blips of a dream at this point," she turned to Y/N, "What about you, Y/N? What was your mother like?"

Y/N grimaced, feeling her heart tug painfully, "I never got to be with my mother," she stated and both Loki's and Sylvie's expressions dropped, "She died while giving birth," I faked a smile at her and looked down at the table.

Loki felt the corners of his lips turn downwards at her words. He had never heard or seen her be so vulnerable. All he knew was the sarcastic, witty warrior with a silver tongue, always having a counter for any comment directed to her. This side of Y/N was new to him.

"My dad never really cared for me until I became a Valkyrie," Y/N continued, "And after I became one, he boasted around. So the position of a Valkyrie had more value than me being a daughter to him."

"It's okay," Loki placed a hand on her knee under the table; a warm feeling spread up her neck as he continued, "Father's can be annoying,"

Y/N nodded, pushing a strand of loose hair from her forehead, "Guess that's something we have in common,"

"Yeah," he cracked a crooked smile.

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