╰┈➤ ❝ [ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛꜱ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ] ❞

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Loki noticed that Y/N was still looking a bit gloomy and decided to change the subject.

"You know, when I was young, she'd do these little bits of magic for us." he started, successfully gaining her attention and distracting her for the moment, "Like turn a flower into a frog or cast fireworks over the water. It all seemed impossible. She told me that I'd be able to do it too because," He stopped, taking a sharp breath, "Because I could do anything,"

"You wanna see?" Loki faced Y/N and she nodded for him to do so.

He took his hand off her knee and held it up, making fireworks appear fireworks appear as the two women watched the small whistles and popping noises it made.

Sylvie sniffed, "Not bad,"

Loki closed his fist, making it fade, "She was the kinda person you'd want to believe in you," His eyes caught Y/N's for a moment, as though he was also referring to her.

"Sounds like she does," Y/N placed her clasped hands on the table.

"Well, she did," Loki replied and turned to the other woman, "So, where'd you learn to do the— You know, the—Whatever it is?"

"I taught myself," Sylvie answered quite proudly.

"You taught yourself that magic?" Loki appeared surprised, and so did Y/N.

"Yeah, I did,"

"What, do you just—You just go into their minds and project some sort of illusion?"

"It'd be easier if I just show—" She raised her hands towards him.

"—Enchant me and take the TemPad and leap out of the moving train? No, thank you," he declines.

"Well then, don't ask,"

"Okay," Loki whispered as a woman walked up to their table with three champagne-filled glasses.


"Ah, yes. Thank you very much," Loki passed Y/N a glass, before taking one for himself.

"No, I'm good, thanks," Sylvie shook her head at the woman.

"Oh, I'll take hers," Loki intervened, grabbing the other glass.

"Thank you," He told the woman as she stepped away, "Cheers. To the end of the world," the three glasses clinked together.

"A pity the old woman chose to die, don't you think?" Loki thought out loud after taking a sip.

"She was in love, wasn't she?" Y/N tipped her head back in thought.

"She hated him,"

"Maybe love is hate," Sylvie jerked her head to the side.

"Should probably remember that." He mumbled, summoning a feather and piece of paper, "What was that? 'Love is—Love is hate'," he wrote down.

"Oh, piss off!" Sylvie scoffed, and he looked up at her, using his powers to make the two objects disappear.

"So, on the subject of love, is there a lucky beau waiting for you at the end of this crusade?" Loki asked curiously.

"Yeah, there is, actually," she replied in a convincing tone.

"Oh," Y/N set her glass on the table.

"Managed to maintain quite a serious long-distance relationship with a postman whilst running across time—" they chuckled as she carried on, "—from one apocalypse to another,"

"And with charm like that, who could resist you?"

"Well, people are quite willing in the face of certain doom," she cocked an eyebrow.

"I'm sure they are," Loki agreed.

"It was only ever just to keep me going," Sylvie paused, "How about you? Must've been would-be-princesses," she darted her eyes to Y/N as though to point out, "Or perhaps, another prince," she smirked slightly.

"A bit of both," Loki replied after a moment of hesitation.

"Good for you," Y/N nudged his elbow with hers and he shot her a thankful grin, "I kind of always knew, though," she admitted.

"How so?"

"You just gave off this vibe," she motioned a hand, "Mainly, the way you kept flipping your hair," she added quickly, "Like every time you look up, you take the opportunity to do it. So dramatic,"

"You're no less dramatic than me," he retorted, "Like the way you brandish your Dragon Fang before you attack— It's like you're putting up a show—"

"Oh please!"

The two bickered back and forth childishly, repeating whatever the other spoke to drown the other's comments, before breaking into a fit of chuckles.

"I suspect the same as you," Loki turned back to Sylvie, referring to their preferences, "But, nothing ever—"

"—Real," Sylvie completed for him.

"Hmm," he nodded, bringing the glass close to his lips, "Not yet," he muttered quietly, but she heard him and caught him sneak a glance at Y/N.

"What about you, Y/N?" Sylvie turned to her, after giving the god an amused look, "A prince or a princess ? Or even a fellow Valkyrie," she added.

"Well," Y/N held the glass of champagne lazily, "The gender doesn't isn't really the choosing factor for me," she brought the glass to her lips, "Like if I love, I love the person. For the character."

"So your love is non-discriminatory of gender," she articulated, "You love them for their heart,"


Sylvie nodded in appreciation, "Love is mischief, then,"

"No," Loki paused for a few seconds, "Love is," He let his gaze fall on the warrior beside him, who was twirling the drink in her hand, watching it slosh around in the glass.

Sylvie noticed this and held back a teasing comment for later.

"Uh, something I might have to have another drink to think about," He chortled, lifting his cup.

"You do realize we're about to try and hijack the power source to a civilization's only hope?"

"Yeah," Y/N leaned back in her seat.

"I do," Loki replied.

"It's not gonna be easy, we should rest," Sylvie leaned back on her seat.

"Mhmm," Y/N hummed in agreement.

"Alright," Loki nodded, "You ladies relax your way, and I'll relax mine,"

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