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"So, that's it? That's it? This is what happens at the end of time? And now you're just gonna sit there with all that freedom and—let us decide your fate?" Loki didn't understand how someone with that much power would willingly give it all up, just because they 'crossed the threshold', which made no sense to both him and the two women next to him.

"Yes!" He Who Remains pointed at him, "Yes! Yes! What's the worst that can happen?" he leaned back on his chair carelessly, "You either— take over and my life's work continues or you plunge a blade in my chest and an infinite amount of me—start another Multiversal War. Unleashing the Goddess of Destruction," he added importantly, " And I just—end up right back here anyways," he chortled, "Reincarnation, baby,"

"No, it's just another lie," Sylvie refused to believe him, "Another manipulation,"

"Oh. No lie. No manipulation," he insisted and removed the TemPad around his wrist, placing it on the far end of the table, "Wow," he leaned forward on his outstretched arm, "I love this. I love—all this honesty. Feels like a fresh start,"

Without a warning, Sylvie fired out of her seat and swung her blade at him, but Loki caught the back of her arm.

"Oh, holy—"

She pressed the blade against Loki's neck and walked him backward, "What're you doing?" she noticed Y/N follow them in her peripheral vision.

"Hang on a moment," Loki coaxed, "Let's just talk about it," the three of them spun in their places.

"Well, how about we finish what we started and kill him?" Sylvie pushed past him.

But Loki used his powers to make her skid backward and dodged one of her swings. He managed to block her way, "What if he's telling the truth?"

"So what?"

"I believe him,"

"Believe what?" the goddess scoffed, "That a bazillion boogeymen will turn up just because we give people free will?"

"He said all of this was a fib," Y/N understood her point of view, "He's a liar, Loki,"

As much as Y/N found His story shocking, she didn't know if she could trust him. And the weird cheerfulness made Y/N want to wipe it off his face in some way or another. The information about the Variant version was spiraling around her head at a rapid speed, not allowing her to use her head at the moment.

"So am I," Loki pointed at himself, "And I don't think he was lying. Not about that. Insane? Yes. But maybe he was telling the truth."

"Better hurry," He Who Remains called out to them, "Timeline's already branching."

"So, what are you suggesting?" Y/N questioned.

"That we think about it," Loki replied.

"And what precisely is there to think about?" Sylvie shot at him.

⟬𝟯.𝟭⟭ 𝐁𝐘𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➣ {𝕝•𝕝} ❘ [𝕷𝖔𝕶𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗]Where stories live. Discover now