Chapter 3 - Acacia

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I stir and try to open my eyes but they are too heavy. So instead, I just lay there, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment.

Slowly, the peacefulness beings to turn to pain as I continue to wake up from my slumber. Everything feels heavy. My ribs ache, my head hurts, and my insides feel numb. Nothing I haven't already come to expect though.

Maybe it was all a twisted dream?

However, my doubts quickly dissipate as I suddenly feel a presence in the room. It's the alpha. I can smell him. That same sickly sweet musk. There's someone else in the room too but he is all I can focus on.

He smells so heavenly, it's intoxicating.

Oh my god. What is wrong with me?

I quickly tuck away the thought as I know nothing good can come of it and instead turn my attention to the other presence in the room.

They don't smell as strongly as he does, but that same sweet smell is heavy in the air. Whoever they are, they seem busy. I can sense them moving around the room.

Where the hell am I?

I jump slightly as a faint beeping starts to ring in my ears. Clearly, this is a frequency I haven't completely lost yet. My mother used to tell me to think about my deafness as a range. Some things I might still be able to hear whilst others would be completely silent. She'd make up cute little stories to try and make me feel better about the whole thing as a child. Oh man, how I miss her.

I continue to lay there for a while until my eyes start to feel lighter but I choose to keep them closed because I know if I open them, I'll have to face the alpha and whoever else is in the room.

Suddenly, something touches me and my eyes shoot open and I shuffle backwards. The beeping in my ears becomes extraordinarily fast as a sharp stabbing pain shoots through my arm.

I look down and see I'm sitting in a hospital bed with a needle sticking out of my arm, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes. I follow the tubes and wires up to find them connected to clear bags of fluid and the machine making the angry beeping noise.

I panic and quickly rip the needle out of my arm in an effort to get the beeping to stop but all it does is make it worse. I scream out in pain as blood begins to leak from my arm.

Instantly, a woman is at my arm, applying pressure to the wound whilst tying something around my arm. I stay deathly still. I think she's trying to help. Best not to make it worse.

In an effort to try and calm myself down, I look around the room to avoid making eye contact with the woman touching me.

There's a lot of medical equipment similar to what Zane had so I can only assume this is a hospital. A very clean one at that. Unlike the one the rogues had.

I look to my right and see the Alpha sitting in a chair, watching me carefully while, who I can now assume is the pack doctor by the way she was dealing with my arm, stands next to me with a concerned look on her face. I feel tears start to roll down my cheeks without warning and I whimper.

The Alpha instantly moves to my side but I move away, shuffling as close to the edge of the bed as possible.

I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the impact, but nothing comes.

Why hasn't he hit me yet? Zane would normally beat the shit out of me if I ended up in the hospital wing.

First I was kidnapped by rogues and now I've been taken by a wolf pack, just my luck.

I feel the Alpha move away from me and I slowly open my eyes, not daring to move in case it angers him again. I see the doctor move out of the corner of my eye and I turn my head to look at her, fear in my eyes, my heart racing.

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