Chapter 33 - Grayson

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"What the hell Grayson?!" my father grunts at me as he lets go of my collar, shoving me into the lounge.

"What the hell yourself! What the fuck was that?!" I roar at him, angry and confused as I rub my neck where he had dragged me.

"That girl has been missing for ten years"


"Why didn't you tell me she was here?!"

I glare at him and he glares back. Acacia was right, something does seem off.

"First of all, that girl is my mate and she has a name. Secondly I only just found out yesterday about who she is and even if I wanted to tell you, it's not my place to say anything!" I yell back, pissed off.

I feel Dante starting to surface.

"But do you realise who she actually is?!"

"Yes, I do father."

"She has rewards for her finding over her head... think of the money!!"

"Jesus, Dad!! We are already rich enough as it is and all you can think about is the money?!"

"Think about it, Grayson! Think of the power and recognition it would bring you"

"NO! There is no way in hell that I am giving up my mate for some stupid reward."


"I love her and I have waited my whole life for her and here you are telling me I should give her up for money and power?!"

"Yes, son! Think of the pack, we could use it as an opportunity to solidify the treaty with her father."

"Dad, I am not giving her up."

"Grayson" my father growls lowly, his eyes glazed.

What the fuck is happening?

"You're not Alpha anymore, Dad. You don't get to make decisions about this kind of stuff anymore" I spit back, Dante threatening to take over.

"Stupid boy," my father growls before squaring me straight in the jaw.

"FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?!" I roar, my eyes shifting.

He stares at me in shock.

Suddenly, Acacia is in front of me with a concerned look on her face.

Behind her, my father's eyes begin to shift as he watches her. Dante growls in my head and I feel myself shifting.

"You need to leave" I mind-link to her frantically.

She gives me a confused look as my father loses control.

Within seconds, he has her by the throat, holding her up against the wall. I lose it as she starts to gag.

I shift and tackle him to the ground, growling loudly. I snarl at him as I hear Acacia gasping for air.

She's breathing. Thank god.

I glare at my father before picking him up by his collar with my teeth and dragging him outside into the forest line away from the house.

"Look after Acacia. Take her to the hospital" I mind-link to my mum and the twins before I set dad down on the ground, pissed.

He tries to get up but I move and stand over him, growling.

"Levi, Bentley. Get your asses out here now!" I hiss, mind linking them.

Within seconds, the boys are by my side, looking confused.

"Hold him while I put some clothes on."

They nod and proceed to hold my father down as I run back to the edge of the house, shift and put some shorts on.

I walk back, trying to contain Dante who is still very pissed off, refusing to give me back full control.

Levi and Bentley watch me closely as they pull my father into a standing position, their eyes both shifting so their wolves are nearby.

I stare at my father who still seems in shock, his eyes no longer glazed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I spit furiously.


"How dare you lay your hands on my mate like that! If you weren't my father I would have killed you then and there!"

"I know son, I'm sorry. I really don't know what came over my wolf and I. It was as if we had no control over what you were doing."

Levi raises an eyebrow at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask annoyed as Dante calms down a little.

"I don't know. I completely lost control. It felt like I was possessed. You know I'd never say that stuff, especially to your mate."

I glare at him for a moment, thinking.

"Something must have happened to cause this! Was it your wolf? Does he not like her?"

"No, he likes her. I don't know, Grayson. As I said, it felt like I was possessed."

"Well think, goddammit!" I yell at him.

"Could you have touched silver at all?" Bentley asks, letting go of my father to face him.

"No, I don't think so and even if I had, I've never heard of it controlling anyone like that" he replies, shrugging off Levi's grip.

Levi growls at him before joining my side. My father rolls his eyes at him, smirking.

"Well, what have you done recently?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

"I don't know. Nothing out of the ordinary"

I groan and run my hands through my hair, walking away to calm myself down.

"Oh my god," my father says, shock on his face.

"What?" I ask, raising my eyebrow at him.

"I was out on patrol, rubbing Acacia's scent on some trees just outside our territory and another pack's territory when I ran through a clearing and it was as if the air changed."


"It was colder and it smelt funny, almost like rogues and then something stabbed my foot."


"I thought it was a tree branch or a rock or something so I thought nothing of it" he says before sitting down on the ground.

All three of us watch as he proceeds to take off his shoe, confused.

His eyes widen as he looks at his foot before showing me. I quickly notice a small green stab wound on the ball of his foot.

"Wolfbane" I whisper shocked.

"You were drugged."


Hey Guys,

I hope you enjoyed this newly edited chapter!! This is technically a new chapter to the book, however, it is actually a continuation of what was originally in the previous chapter as I have split the points of view up.

Thanks for sticking by me through all this and feel free to vote and leave me a comment below letting me know whether you liked this chapter!!

If you feel so inclined, go follow me on my Instagram account @allamy_duffell for a look into my life outside of writing!


Allamy xx

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