Chapter 41 - Acacia

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"Grayson" I mind-link softly as I sit on the bed, watching him get dressed. 

"Yes, Princess?" he asks, turning to face me with a smile on his face. I blush as I look him over and he winks at me. "Like what you see?" he asks, smirking. I blush harder and bite my lip nervously. He chuckles and walks over to me. Instantly, his lips are on mine, kissing me softly. He eventually pulls away and grins at me. 

"All yours," he says smoothly. I nod and trace my fingertip along his cheekbone.  "What was your question sweetheart?". 

"Do you think I should wear my hearing aids?" 

"You don't have to if you don't want to Princess, but I think it would help". I nod and crawl up the bed to the side table and grab my hearing aids, putting them in carefully. 

I fiddle with them for a moment before looking back up at Grayson. He stares at me in awe before snapping out of it. 

"Let's get you ready," he says aloud, huskily. I nod happily as Grayson walks over and gently takes me by the hand, leading me into the wardrobe. I watch as he walks over to his side of the wardrobe and pulls a box off the top shelf before walking over and handing it to me. 

"For you," he says aloud softly. I give him a confused look and he nods his head, gesturing for me to open it. 

Nervously, I pull the lid off and look inside. I feel my jaw drop open as I stare at a beautiful black dress, folded neatly within the box. 

"Please wear it for me?" Grayson asks gently and I look up at him in awe. 

"Of course" I mind link in reply, a small smile spreading across my face. "When did you get this?" I ask softly as I take the dress out of the box and hold it out in front of me. 

"Ummm I think I got it about three years ago?" he replies, unsure. 

"Three years? Why did you get it three years ago?" 

"Well when I turned sixteen and shifted for the first time, I had a dream of a girl that night. I saw her by my side, standing with her arms around my waist and I didn't really know what it meant. The dreams stopped after a couple of weeks but when I turned eighteen, my dad stepped down and I became the new Alpha and I started having the dreams again. It was weird but I felt like the girl in the dreams was important and then one night when I had the dream, the girl was wearing a dress just like this one. In the morning, I had a sudden urge to go buy the dress. It took me ages but I found it eventually, I just knew I needed to get it because I felt like the dress would be important someday, and now I know why" he finishes, eyes sparkling happily as he looks down at me. 

"You were the girl in my dreams Acacia. I didn't realise it until just now but I think that might have been the Moon Goddess's way of telling me to look out for you." 

"But I don't understand, you knew what I looked like from the photo my dad gave you." 

"Yes, but you've changed since then, Princess. You were eight in the photo and now you're eighteen. Time changes things and I never put two and two together, but when I looked at the photo I got tingles and when I had the dream I got tingles, I just never realised that it was the same person". 

"True. Well, the dress is beautiful, Grayson" I reply, smiling. 

"Put it on for me, sweetheart," he says softly before leaving the room so I can change. I quickly take off what I'm wearing and carefully slide the dress onto my body. I stare at myself in the mirror in awe. It's perfect. 

"Grayson" I mind link softly. I hear the door open and turn around to see Grayson standing in the doorway, an unreadable expression written on his face. I look down at the floor nervously and suddenly Grayson is in front of me. He gently lifts my chin up to look at him and he stares down at me with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. 

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