PART TWO: Chapter 10 - Acacia

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"I just can't believe they kept it like this" I sign to Grayson, still in disbelief.

My bedroom is exactly how I remember it from when I was little. My parents had thought it would be a good idea to let me choose my own wallpaper... which is how I ended up with bright pink flowery wallpaper to complement the white ceiling and off-white carpet. The toys lay untouched next to the dollhouse that stands in the corner while the bed we are sitting on is neatly made and stacked high with the pillows I used to insist on sleeping on every night.

"I think it just shows how much they loved you and wanted you home" he signs back, with a gentle smile before snaking an arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

I rest my head on his shoulder as a sigh escapes my lips.

'It will be okay, I promise,' he mind links quietly. God, I hope he's right. 

We sit in silence for a while before Claire eventually strolls back into the room.

"I'm so sorry" she signs sheepishly. "I had just finished my phone call but then I received another one, but everything is okay and all sorted now."

"Who was calling you at this hour? It seems odd?" I sign back, confused. By the time we had finished dinner, it was just after eight pm so I imagine that it's now quite late.

"Nobody important."

I look up at Grayson for a moment who shakes his head every so slightly, indicating for me not to push the topic. I nod before turning my attention back to Claire.

"So now what?" I sign with a small smile.

"Well, are you guys staying here tonight?" she starts signing, with a grin. I look up at Grayson again and he gives her a nod which causes her to beam.

"Good! I'll show you to your room then."

I nod and proceed to follow her out of the room, Grayson by my side, keeping me close to him. We make it to the guest room quickly and Claire shows us around and provides us with towels for if we choose to shower before heading towards that door.

"W-w-wait!" I stutter, trying to catch her before she leaves. She stops in the doorway and turns around to face us.

"You're not staying? I thought we could see our parents and spend some time together. Make up for some of the lost time?" I sign, confused.

"No? I wasn't planning on it. I figured you would want to talk about more Alpha-related things and it would be more private information," she signs back with an equally confused look.

"Oh... Well, I mean, we might talk about that stuff. I just wanted to hang out really. Besides, why would you not want to listen in if we do talk about that stuff? I'm sure it will be useful stuff to learn, especially because when you come Alpha, you'll-"

"What?! What do you mean 'When I become Alpha'?!" she exclaims aloud, her expression darkening.


I forgot she doesn't know yet. Hell, we had only had the initial conversation earlier this afternoon where I suggested she become Alpha in place of me because my Luna title is more important. I knew Dad was going to make some phone calls but I had completely forgotten that he won't have had time to tell Claire our plan yet.

"N-n-noth-thing!" I stutter, panicking, looking at Grayson for help. "Gr-gra-ay-s-son a-and I-I, w-we-"

"No, Acacia. Tell me the truth! What do you mean 'When I become Alpha'?" she growls at me, narrowing her eyes.

"Umm..." I sign, starting to feel sheepish. God, I'm such an idiot.

"Well Dad, Grayson and I were talking about the future of our packs and we came to the decision that I can't be Alpha of this pack because I'm Grayson's Luna and it would be too difficult to merge our packs as we are so far away... So I suggested that you should be the new Alpha when you become of age..."

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