Chapter 56 - Grayson

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*** Sex scene later on in the chapter ***


I kiss Acacia's forehead and pull her close to me before knocking on the door. She looks up at me nervously and I smile back at her in an attempt to reassure her that everything is okay. Within a few minutes, the door opens to reveal my grandad, standing there with a welcoming grin.

"Hello Grayson," my grandad says aloud before signing a hello to Acacia, who replies back nervously.

"What can I do for you, my boy?" My grandad asks cheerfully.

"Acacia wants to visit grandma" I reply with a small smile. I watch as his smile fades slightly at the mention of grandma but then something clicks and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"You asked her, didn't you?" he smirks, clearly amused at the fact. I blush and nod slightly, watching as he turns to Acacia who stared back at him nervously.

"Acacia, did Grayson ask you to marry him?" he signs, grinning. Instantly, a small smile appears on her face and she holds her hand out to show him the ring.

"I'm glad it's found a new home. I hope you like it," he signs warmly to her.

"Thank you, sir. It's very beautiful" she signs, smiling back at him meekly. 

"It very much is. Oh and if Grayson ever does anything to upset you, come find me and I'll beat his ass" he adds chuckling, causing Acacia to look up at me nervously. I shoot my grandad a glare and he chuckles again before inviting us into his house. We all walk in silence as he leads us down the hall and out onto the back porch.

"I'll leave you to it," he says, patting me on the back before walking back inside. I look down at Acacia and she looks back up at me, biting her lip.

"Grayson" she mind-links softly.

"Yes, Princess?"

"What did your grandad mean back there?" she asks nervously. I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"He's just being protective" I start wearily. "He knows I can be a bit of an assehole when I'm in Alpha mode and he knows I've scared you before. He's just looking out for you. I don't think he intended for it to sound bad."

"Oh okay," she replies with a sheepish smile.

"But I promise I'm going to treat you right Acacia."

"I know Grayson," she says, sliding her hand into mine. "So your grandma?" she asks softly.

I nod and give her a small smile before leading her into the forest line connected to my grandad's property. We follow the pathway through the trees until we come to a small secluded clearing, filled with brightly coloured flowers. Acacia gasps slightly, taking in the scenery and I smile.

"Like it?" I mind-link quietly.

"Yes. It's beautiful" she replies breathlessly.

"I'm glad you think so. It was my grandparent's secret spot when my grandad was Alpha. They used to come here whenever my grandma was upset or needed to just breathe for a bit."

She nods and slowly circles the clearing before stopping in front of the big willow tree, noticing the headstone at the base of the trunk. I watch quietly as she walks and sits down in front of the headstone, tracing the engraving with her finger.

She turns and gives me a sad smile before holding her hand out, gesturing for me to come and sit with her. I nod and walk over to her, sliding my hand into hers as I sit down next to her. I stare at my grandma's headstone as Acacia rests her head on my shoulder.

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