PART TWO: Chapter 5 - Claire

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"Claire, honey, you need to come home," my mum mind-links me, a sense of unease in her voice.

I roll my eyes, ignoring her as I continue to run through the forest. I don't understand why she would ask me to come home when she knows perfectly well that I'm out looking for Acacia.

"Please, Claire. Come home" she says again, this time with a little more force in her words.

I skid to a halt and sigh, knowing I can't keep ignoring her.

"Why, mum?" I reply, slightly annoyed at this point.

"Because your father and I have some important news to tell you."

"Oh really? What could possibly be so important that I should stop looking for my sister and come home for?" I reply, sarcasm dripping from my words.

"Because it's to do with her sister, Claire" my dad mind-links softly.

Oh shit.

My stomach drops and I instantly begin running back towards our territory.

"I'll be home in an hour" I mind-link quietly.

"What is it!? What happened!?" I ask frantically as I skid through my dad's office door.

"Sit down sweetie," my mum says softly, ushering me to sit down in a chair.

I nod and proceed to sit down in the chair opposite the couch my parents are sitting on. I watch them for a moment as they give each other a sideways glance before looking back at me.

They've been crying. Oh god, it must be bad news.

"What's wrong?" I ask quietly, preparing myself for the worst.

"Nothing is wrong," my dad says with a small smile.

"What do you mean? What happened?" I ask, confused.

"Acacia is alive, Claire," my mum says with a small smile painted on her face too.

I stare at them in shock for a moment, trying to process the information I've just received.

"She is?" I whisper, with disbelief written all over my face.

"She is!" my mum says almost giddily.

"How? How do you know?"

"Well, you know how Alpha Hays was over earlier?"


"Well, it turns out he had her,"

Instantly, anger boils in me as I realise what has happened.

"HE KIDNAPPED HER?!" I yell angrily.

"No, sweetie. Not at all. Quite the opposite actually," my dad says, frowning.

"So what then?" I ask, the anger disappearing slightly.

"Well, it's a long story but-" my mum starts but I cut her off before she can finish.

"I want to know everything," I blurt out quickly.

"Okay love, settle down now," my dad says warmly. I nod, fidgeting in my seat with anticipation.

"So Grayson came over because he wanted to discuss Alpha business and he said his new mate really wanted to meet us," my dad continues, smiling. "We were also really excited to meet her so he went and got her and he brings her in and it turns out it's Acacia. Acacia is his new mate,"

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