Chapter 38 - Grayson

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I shift and quickly whip through the forest, nearing the edge of our border with every step.

I stop for a moment and roll around in the dirt in an attempt to mask any hint or smell of Acacia I have on me. I nod at Levi and Bently to do the same and they quickly follow suit before we run off again.

Within minutes, the three of us are at the borderline and there in front of us are two of Zane's men. However, these two look more put together and powerful than any of the other men we have seen so far, so I can only assume that they must be his second and third in command. I shift, with Levi and Bentley doing the same before walking up to the edge of the borderline to meet them.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" I spit coldly at them.

"Nice to see you too, Alpha", the left one starts with a slimy grin.

A low growl tumbles out of my throat, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Well, you see, Alpha, our leader still doesn't have his girl back. She's still missing and it's been more than a month now."


"So. No one has found her body yet, which means she's not dead yet, and the fact that her scent is everywhere means she's definitely still alive so we are starting to get suspicious. Have you seen her?" He replies, his tone now icy.

"No, sorry, we haven't," I say, shaking my head.

"We run patrols around our borders every day and we haven't seen her. We've seen a fair few of your rogues though. Some even dared to cross into my territory. It felt really good to snap their stupid little necks."

He stays silent for a moment, giving the other man a side-eye before looking back at me.

"Interesting," he says smugly.

"I'm sorry?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, nothing. It's just we set some drug traps to try and slow her down and one of them was triggered and some blood was left behind" he starts, pacing back and forth while maintaining eye contact with me.

My gaze narrows as I know where he is going with this.

"So we went back and analysed the blood with a sample of the girl's blood left in her cell and they didn't match. Do you see what I'm getting at Alpha?"

God, they make me sick. I shiver internally at his words, praying my face doesn't falter.

"You think the blood is from someone in my pack?" I ask, amused.


"And why do you think that?"

"Because the trap was set about a thirty-minute run from here"

"Okay. So you set illegal drug traps on what I'm assuming is neutral territory - which is also illegal to do, by the way - which means that you would also happen to know that there is a human city close by too" I reply, a slight grin cracking on my face.

Yes boys, I too can play these games.

"Well, yes, but..." he starts, trailing off.

"Right. So how do you know it wasn't just some drunk human who wandered into the forest by accident? Or another rogue passing by perhaps? Or one of your own idiots accidentally setting off the trap you laid?" I continue innocently.

I watch as his mouth opens and closes a few times but no retort comes.

"That's what I thought," I growl. He jumps a little and his friend snickers at him. I watch in amusement as he thumps the other one over the head before looking back at me.

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