𝐢. 𝐎𝐍𝐄

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𝐢. 𝐎𝐍𝐄


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"MJ!" Gwen squeals as she places her hands onto her best friend, Michelle's shoulders. Having a huge grin wiped across her face.

"Oh, hey Gwen." MJ turns around to give Gwen a big hug. Students push themselves through the two girls standing trying to make it to their lockers.

The noise of Betty and Jason's voice comes through the TV above them, telling Midtown High School all about the home-coming, coming up. "Seriously, a home-coming dance? Sorry to break it to you Gwen but I'm not going." MJ refuses after hearing the message.

"What? Come on, we can go together it'll be fun!" Gwen replies with the same grin on her face. Gwen wasn't too big on any dances or anything, but after meeting MJ she thinks they could have a lot of fun there.

"Besides, we could just sit together and make fun of the couples that go. Ha?" The blonde tries to convinces her curly haired friend. Michelle has a thinking type of face on until she looks dead serious at Gwen.

"No, I got better things to do." Gwen let's out a groan at that. They bid goodbye to each other where Gwen notices the boy she used to tutor in chemistry. She's been suspicious of what he's been doing when they had their run in with Tony Stark, he went missing for a few days claiming he was 'sick'.

She had decided to drop the suspicions, thinking she was going a bit crazy. Gwyneth walks down the hall going up to her locker to grab her supplies for her first class. Until she over-hears a conversation between Peter and his friend, Ned.

"Join me, and together... we'll build my new Lego Death Star." Ned impersonates Emperor Palpatine, from Star Wars. "What!" Peter exclaims, before hearing the group of cheerleaders near by call them lame. Gwen just smiles thinking it's pretty cool.

"No way! That's awesome. How many pieces?" Peter asks his friend. "Three thousand eight hundred and three." Ned tells Peter, making Gwen look down pretending to sort through her locker mouthing 'wow' to herself.

"That's insane." Peter says before turning back to his locker. "I know!" Ned comments with excitement in his voice. Ned turns to see the blonde girl closing her locker about to walk away. "Oh hey, Gwen!"

This makes Gwen turn around with a smile evident on her face. "Hi Ned. Hey Peter." Gwen nods towards the two boys. "Oh, uh, hey Gwen." Peter mumbles with embarrassment. Gwen just looks at them and waves them goodbye. "See you in class." She says as she walks away.

"What was that dude, you never get nervous around Gwen." Ned asks in confusion. "Oh no, no, I just uh, I don't know, haven't talked to her much anymore." Peter tries to back himself up. "Oh okay, anyways, you want to build it tonight?" Ned changes the subject back to the Lego Death Star.

✓ | 𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 , p. parkerWhere stories live. Discover now