𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍

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𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍


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A sudden tingle feeling went down her arm, finally able to feel her fingers move again. Fluttering senses devoured across her body. The girls eyes wide in panic, what just happened to her.

"Mom?" Calling out for her mother, hearing footsteps rushing down the hallway, coming face to face with Helen. Tears pricked in her mothers eyes, as she rushed towards her daughter. "Wh-what's going on, what happened?" Gwen questioned her mother with a query voice.

"Oh my gosh, Gwen." Helen burst into tears, holding onto her daughter for dear life, brushing her hair. "Mom, what happened?" Gwen looks up at her mother, whom is still holding onto her. "Gwen, you vanished into dust five years ago."

"What." Gwen mutters, stepping away from her mother. She felt sick to her stomach, she disappeared? How, why? Her body begins to shake, starting to hyperventilate, going past her breaking point.

"Wh-what do you mean I was gone for five years?" Gwen panics, running her fingers through her hair trying to calm down. "Where were you?" Gwen raises her voice, trying to understand this whole situation.

"Gwen, please, this is just as crazy as it is for me, as it is for you."  Helen, takes her daughter to sit on the couch, still beyond confused. "Something happened, causing half of the population to disappear, you were included in the blipped, as they call it."

"What, what about you and dad?" Gwen asks still freaking out. "We were here, we didn't vanish." From hearing this Gwen's heart drops, hands still shaking, tears threatening to fall. The young blonde girl begins to shake her head. "Wh-what about my friends?"

Helen begins brushing Gwen's hair with her hands, before wiping her daughters tears along with her own. "I don't know anything from the Jones family.." Making Gwen nod, tears falling down her cheeks. "I know this is selfish, but I hope MJ did." Gwen confesses.

"I know honey, we're just going to have to make it through this. I'm sure school will be back soon, and you can see your friends there, okay?" Making Gwen nod with her mothers words. They hug for a long time, Gwen soon falling asleep on her.

A few hours later Gwen wakes up to the front door of their apartment opening. She sits up and rubs her eyes, seeing her father rush into the apartment. Looking around until his eyes fall onto his teenage daughter.

"Oh, Gwen." Her father whispers before rushing towards her, bringing her into a huge hug. "Dad." Gwen whimpers in his arms, feeling heartbroken to see her father like this. They hold onto each other for so long until they break away.

✓ | 𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 , p. parkerWhere stories live. Discover now