𝐯𝐢. 𝐒𝐈𝐗

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𝐯𝐢. 𝐒𝐈𝐗

"Alright, Gwen

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"Alright, Gwen... Have fun today, don't get lost, look after MJ." Helen, Gwen's mother tells the girl before the blonde leaves for a field trip. Gwen smiles at her mother.

"Yes I know, I will, don't you worry." Gwen replies giving her mother a quick hug. "Oh and hang out with the Peter boy." The older woman smirks at her teenager, making Gwen groan in frustration, before leaving the apartment.

The blonde heads over to catch a train to school when her phone vibrates. Taking it out of her pocket, unlocking it and seeing a text message from Peter. The two of them have became a lot closer in the past year after home-coming, and when you say close, closer than friends for sure.

'hey gwen! ive just left home ill see u at school :)' Gwen smiles down at her phone, before replying back with a quick 'cool, cya'. She slips her phone back into her pocket before the train stops.

After a little longer the train finally arrives at her stop, causing Gwen to get out walking towards the school where she sees MJ. "MJ, hey!" Gwen shouts over to her quiet bestfriend. "Oh hey Gwen." MJ replies to her, seeing the blonde walk over.

"You ready for the trip?" Gwen asks Michelle rapping her arm over MJ's shoulder. "Uh I guess, I honestly don't care." MJ confesses making Gwen laugh.

After a few minutes they prepare to leave, Peter shows up smiling at the group. Gwen smiles at the boy putting her other arm around his shoulder. Peter sort of blushes at this, MJ catching on showing a knowing smirk.

"Okay, let's go." Mr. Harrington announces before everyone gets onto the bus. MJ and Gwen sit beside each other chatting about who knows what. Peter sitting behind Ned just staring at his phone.

The bus drives across the bridge, Gwen's head is resting on MJ's shoulder as her curly haired best friend reads her book, once again. Gwen is slowly falling asleep from the long travel.

On the other side of row, Peter is just watching something on his phone until the hair on his arms stick up. This makes Peter look up, feeling his Spider-tingle kick in. Peter starts looking confused at his arm before turning to look out the window.

As Peter turns he sees this circle shaped spaceship hovering in the middle of New York. This makes Peter look around the bus, his eyes quickly falling on Gwen sleeping, before he tries to get Ned's attention by accidently hitting him in the face.

"Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction." Peter tells him quickly, this causes Ned to look out the window, his eyes widening at what he sees. "We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship! Oh my god!" Ned starts yelling as he gets out of his seat.

The yelling makes Gwen come out over her snooze, seeing the space ship too, bringing MJ to stand up. She brings her friend over to the crowd of students at the back of the bus to get a better view of the spaceship.

This gives Peter a chance to escape the bus to go and help whoever is fighting the people from the spaceship. He connects his web shooters to his wrist before shooting a web to open the emergency escape.

"What's the matter with you kids? You've never seen a spaceship before?" The bus driver asks them.

Peter quickly jumps out of the window, hanging on before he puts his Spider-Man mask on. As soon as it is on he swings from the bus, over the bridge, to where the spaceship is.

The students on the bus are panicking, Gwen is holding onto MJ for dear life before looking around the bus. Peter is nowhere to be found. "Where's Peter?" Gwen whispers to herself, she swears he was just here!

The trip was cancelled. For obvious reasons.

Gwen gets picked up by her father after the bus arrived back at Midtown high school. Gwen is sitting in her bedroom about to video call MJ, after hearing the news that Tony Stark has disappeared. "Pick up Michelle..." Gwen's foot shakes as she lies down on her bed.

"Hey Gwen." MJ finally answers the phone, rubbing her eyes. "We're you sleeping? Wait, nevermind. Are you okay, is your family okay?" Gwen starts spitting out questions at MJ.

"Yes, yes, and yes." MJ says, whilst yawning. "How about you guys?" Gwen just nods. "Yeah, dad's at work trying to solve what the heck just happened, mom is working too." Gwen replies, when MJ now nods.

"Honestly, I'm not surprised this happened, remember when we were younger at your house and Loki attacked or something." Michelle says back. Gwen thinks about this and it's true, a lot of stuff happens in New York. Why New York, anyways? Why not LA?

"True, but oh well." Gwen says before she yawns. "I'm gonna go Gwen I'm falling asleep, I'll see you tomorrow maybe." MJ smiles at Gwen. "Yeah of course, stay safe!" Gwen points her finger at the screen, this makes MJ laugh. "Yeah, yeah I will. You too!" MJ does the same thing back

They bid their goodbyes before they hang up. Gwen puts her phone on her beside table, getting changed into her PJ's, then heading into her bed. She stares up at the ceiling for a moment before, her eyes get heavy causing her to fall asleep.

The next morning Gwen gets out of bed to head into the kitchen, where both of her parents are. "Good morning." Gwen smiles at the two of them, before grabbing some bread to put in the toaster. "Schools off today." Her father informs her before going back to reading his newspaper.

"Oh cool, I'll probably invite MJ over later if that's okay?" Gwen asks them. "Yeah of course." Her mother replies smiling, kissing her forehead before making her coffee.

About an hour later Gwen is coming out of the bathroom, feeling strange. A tingle feeling starts coming up her arm, looking down she sees her hand basically turning into... dust?

"Mom?" Gwen calls out in panic, tripping down the hallway. "Mom!" She starts screaming out in fear, what is happening to her? "What's wrong Gwen?" her mother calls from the kitchen.

"Something is happening to me!" This makes Helen turn around seeing her daughters whole arm vanished and her body quickly disappearing with it. This makes her rush over.

Before Helen can reach her, Gwen just vanishes...

✓ | 𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 , p. parkerWhere stories live. Discover now