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Ned opens up what he likes to call a 'Doctor-Strange-Portal' to the statue of liberty, where they're going to fight the multiverse men, and cure them

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Ned opens up what he likes to call a 'Doctor-Strange-Portal' to the statue of liberty, where they're going to fight the multiverse men, and cure them. Gwen, MJ, and Ned are all standing by the portal waiting for Peter, their Peter, to give Gwen the box to hold onto.

"This is so cool, all of these Spider-Men together..." Gwen mutters, just amazed all of this is possible. "Yeah, it's kind of weird too. Just so many Peter's." MJ laughs a little at that. They carry on standing watching the surroundings, until they hear a loud noise.

Gwen tries to listen closely, noticing a loud voice speaking to them... It must be Max, or as the young Peter from another universe liked to call him... Electro. Gwen just stands ready bopping up and down, like MJ beside her.

Just then, the blonde sees her Spider-Man swing by with the box. "Alright, Gwen! Heads up!" He yells over the noise of electric volts, throwing the box into the portal, where is best friends lay. "Got it!" Gwen catches the box with ease, before MJ turns to Ned. 

"Close it!" MJ shouts over to Ned, where he lifts up his hands trying to close the portal. "Uh Ned, it isn't closing, buddy." Gwen tells the boy becoming nervous. "Yeah, I know." He keeps turning his arm in the circle motion. "Why isn't it closing?" MJ asks staring ahead. "I don't know, I-"

MJ snaps her head to the boy. "Did you close it before?" She questions, also making Gwen look over at the boy. "No?" The blonde says, more like a question. "No, I mean, I've opened some..." The group carries on arguing, trying to help Ned close to portal, whilst the Spider-Men create a plan, to take down each one... one by one.

The group keep talking quite loudly, not knowing that underneath them the Lizard had broken from the web, hearing their voices. "Um, I don't really know how else totell you that it's not closing." The curly-haired girl tells Ned. "I'm trying to close it, MJ! Don'ttell them that it's not working!"

"Okay, okay, okay... Just keep doing it. Just keep going, okay?" Gwen tells the boy putting one hand on his shoulder, while she holds onto the box. "Okay, wait, wait. Yeah... wait.We'll just keep going." Ned breathes out, still holding his hands up. "All right, no. It's fine... you'regonna do it again. We're justgonna keep trying." MJ tells the boy trying to keep him calm.

"All right, all right, we got it, wegot it... we got this!" Ned hypes himself up, Gwen nodding along trying to help him relax. "Focus. Close the portal... closethe portal..." MJ brief's the boy, with a calming tone. The keep doing it for a few seconds, before they all see the Lizard coming right at them. "Okay, no, no! That is a Lizard!" Gwen begins yelling, the whole group shaking, jumping up and down.

"Ned! We should-" MJ begins, before she grabs Ned and Gwen turning the other way running around the lab. Peter jumps in, webbing up the Lizard, giving a chance for his friends to get out of there. "Run!" He yells at them, Gwen grips onto the box leading the way for her friends. They get onto the scaffolding, while Peter stops the Lizard from reaching them.

✓ | 𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 , p. parkerWhere stories live. Discover now