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The three of them are now sitting at Ned's house playing a board game

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The three of them are now sitting at Ned's house playing a board game. "Haha, I get all of your money." Gwen starts teasing MJ with a sing-song voice. "Yeah whatever, I'm bored anyways." MJ mutters, crossing her arms and leaning back into her chair. "No need to be a sore loser." Gwen tilts her head and smiles at her, laughing as she takes her money.

The group carry on playing games, until Ned's Lola, asks them to put it away, and get some food. They all listen to her and go ahead and get some snacks. It's later at night, and they're all just sitting around the table watching the TV. Until a announcement by the Daily bugle.

MJ and Gwen are watching the TV, while Ned is trying to get ahold of Peter. Gwen listens to the news, hearing people have been injured and at least one person has been killed. Although it seems selfish, Gwen hopes it is not either Peter, or May. Just before Gwen got to Ned's, Peter let them know May was going along to help him out.

"Still nothing?" MJ asks Ned, noticing Gwen has zoned out. Ned begins shaking his head. "No." He places his phone down on the table. "Hey, come on, Gwen." MJ whispers to her best friend, who nods and brings her over to sit at the table with Ned. She just keeps looking down, thinking the worst, what if Peter or May got injured, or worse was the one who was killed.

MJ rubs her head, as she looks over at Gwen. Who is now looking right at the box. "Gwen?" MJ whispers to the blonde, causing Ned to look up. "I'm going to press it." Gwen mumbles back towards her best friend, now looking at her. "What? No!" Ned blurts out to Gwen.

"Peter told me to wait, but... I'm gonna do it." She nods, rubbing her head and leaning back. "I just wish... I just wish that we could see him." Ned begins shaking his hands around, causing a spark to appear right by Gwen. This makes Ned, MJ and Gwen stare at the direction, before looking at each other in shock.

"Ned?" MJ says gently. "Yeah?" Ned quickly answers back. "Do that again." Ned nods a little bit. "Yeah." He begins closing his eyes and waving his arms around. "Yeah. I just wish we could see him." Another spark appears turning into this circle-portal-like magic. "Woah." Gwen says in awe, cheering up a little bit because of what Ned can do.

"Okay..." Ned breathes out as the group of them stand up. Gwen huddling against MJ, as she grabs onto her bestfriends arm. "Okay... I just wish we could see Peter." He puts one arm out and moves his other in a circle, a bigger portal appearing now.

Ned looks down at his hands in shock, just as Ned's Lola comes around the corner to speak to him. "Salamangkero." She mutters of at him. "You're right. I am magic." Ned breathes out, Gwen just stares seeing Peter, but it doesn't look like him. "Are you sure that is Peter, Ned?" Gwen asks Ned, touching his arm slightly.

✓ | 𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 , p. parkerWhere stories live. Discover now