𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄

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𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄

The bus is travelling towards Washington, while Liz asks questions to the group

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The bus is travelling towards Washington, while Liz asks questions to the group. Gwen's head is resting on MJ's shoulder as she is trying her best to stay awake.

Bells keep going off making Gwen get a headache, including the students yelling out their answers. "Can they be quiet?" Gwen mumbles to Michelle while digging her head deeper into her shoulder.

MJ stifles a laugh as she says this focusing on her book. A loud bell ding comes from right in front of Gwen making her groan. "Uh, strontium, barium, vibranium." Peter answers the question being asked.

Gwen opens one eye to see Peter sitting forward looking at Liz. "Very good, Peter. Glad to have you back." Liz says back to him, with a straight face. "Glad to be back."

A phone buzzing takes Gwen out of her resting, causing her to take her head of MJ's shoulder and slump back in the bus seat, crossing her arms. Gwen looks up to see Peter getting out of his seat. "What is the current standard unit of radioactive-" Liz starts the question until she get's interrupted.

"Can I take this real quick? I'll only be a sec." Peter interjects, pointing at his phone, before putting it to his ear. "Yeah, fine." Peter starts walking to the back of the bus, making both MJ and Gwen look at him.

Gwen finally falls asleep on her friends shoulder for the rest of the bus ride to Washington.

The group of Midtown students arrive at their hotel. Everyone staring up to see how many stories it is. "Woah.." Gwen whispers to herself, holding onto her backpack. 

"Everyone stick together." Liz informs the group, where Mr. Harrington agrees. "You kidding me? This place is huge." A boy named Charles tells the group. "I've seen bigger." Flash tries to boast himself, making Gwen roll her eyes, no he hasn't.

"There's a bird in here." Abraham points up somewhere.

Liz has invited everybody to go swimming without Mr. Harrington knowing. MJ just said she'll read her book, where Gwen agreed too.

Liz and the rest of the group start walking down the hallway until Gwen forgets her towel making her turn back. The group thankfully, waits for her.

When she returns Liz speaks up. "Hey Gwen, is it okay if you can see if Ned and Peter want to come, since you're the closest to them." The senior girl smiles at the blonde one.

✓ | 𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 , p. parkerWhere stories live. Discover now