Ch 9 : Short notice

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"Crysy darling"

"Coming muma" I saw my mom sitting on the couch those black dark circles engulfing her eyes. Working in a hospital as a nurse always made her exhausted.

"You look so tired muma. You can go ahead and take the shower then we will have the breakfast together . I made grilled tofu."

"Honestly I am so grateful for you . But honey are you sure you want to continue evening classes ? I mean its so dangerous at night and you know I am going to have night shifts for next two months atleast."

Hearing those words last night's events flashed in my mind for a second I felt like spilling everything to her. " Its ok mom this way I will get to enjoy some time with you."

She gave me a big hug and went towards bathroom.

"What if I don't want to stay away from you"... The words came echoing back .

He was too attractive for his own good. But just being near him earned me a whole kidnapping . I don't want to think what might happen if we date...

No. He is a big mistake that I need to avoid.

I called Katie to ask her about the assignments .

"Crysy darling, someone's knocking on the door check it."

Oops ... I didn't notice. I cut the call short and went there to open the door.

"Hi Crystal , how are you ?"

What in the fucking world?" What are you doing here Ryan?"

"Honey who's this?" My mom asked.

"He - he is.. "

"I am her friend Ryan Hoover. Its so nice to finally meet you mam . Now I see where Crystal got her gorgeous looks from ."

"Oh dear, such a charmer you are , come inside have breakfast with us" mom took him to the dinning table .

What?? I was still standing at the door dumbfounded trying to pick up my jaw from the floor.

"Actually Mrs. Carter I was just here to ask about the syllabus and assignments, Crystal forgot to email them to me."

"I was just going to" .. I said while mentally telling myself to keep calm.

"Its ok have some breakfast with us , I never saw Crystal with anyone else except Katie."

And thats how I had to sit there having breakfast with Ryan surprisingly the whole conversation despite being awkward felt pretty wholesome. Mom was asking him about his family and school life. It was so long since we had any company during breakfast.

"Crysy you can take him to your study room."

"And darling?... Keep the door open" she said and gave me a wink.

Thankyou mom for embarassing me.

Once we were in study room. I crossed my arms and asked him," what are your motives?"

He looked dumbfounded. "I am here for school work"

I took a step ahead towards him ," Don't play with me, I know you don't give a fuck about school work."

He took a step closer to me and said," but I do give a fuck about you that's why I am here."

Standing so close to each other I could practically hear his heartbeat. And I was praying hard he didn't notice mine. Cause my heart was beating like a drum .

He touched my lips with his thumb . I felt a shiver run down my spine . And all the hell broke loose. I kissed him.

He tasted like a mint candy that we had eaten after breakfast. His one hand in my hair and the other caressing my face . They say you feel fireworks during your first kiss. But me.. ?

I wasn't feeling fireworks...I was feeling a sense of calm . I felt like I was becoming whole . The other part that always had felt missing was suddenly complete.

We broke apart . Both panting hard.

"I think you should go ...I will email you everything . Please..

"Take care" He went towards the door and then looked back . Something happened in that moment. He came back to me kissed my forehead and said," I won't let anyone touch you."

I stood there silently . I felt like as if it was a dream and if I even moved a muscle I might snap out of it.

Yeah he was the mistake that I needed to avoid. But I can't...

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