Ch 5 : Drama post

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*At the cafe*

"Are you planning on eating the plate too?" Katie asked. I had been so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise I had been tapping on an empty plate. "Lets get out of here."

Well Ryan had done nothing to stop those rumours . Even though after two months it was clear that he wasn't going to ask me out , Stacy and her minions hadn't stopped messing with me. Anyways the year had ended and I was happy to start evening classes but now Ryan joining the bio class god knows what another shit it was gonna bring .

I grabbed my coffee and went towards the Library.

It was around 12:30pm I was sitting in the there doing some research for my chem project. Suddenly I noticed 2 of my classmates in front of me whispering something and pointing towards me . One of them said ," Did you check your social media today ?"

I raised my eyebrow and said no.
I switched on my phone and saw Katie had sent me a msg .

You need to see this .I guess this is going to create more problems for you.

I clicked on the link and it took me to our school confessions page which is basically a gossip page. Nobody knows who runs it . But all kind of drama could be found there. I saw the post.

Look up besties ! It seems like our sports star Ryan Hoover had made his decision to go after our nerd queen Crystal Carter. He has joined bio classes and honestly I can't believe Ryan is taking bio class I mean he hated biology right ? But I guess love can make you do the unexpected.

On a side note it looks like Stacy ain't getting a particular sports d!ck anytime soon ;)

And don't waste your time in finding me cause u can never.

Below was a pic attached where Ryan was staring at my head while I was writing down my test.

This was going to be bad I could feel it. I got out of the library as soon as possible. And went home to rant about the whole drama to my best friend.

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