An Old Friend

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The ceremony was in twenty minutes.

Padme's gonna kill me. Anakin thought as he rubbed his forehead. "Master Anakin, if I am not mistaken, you were to be in the grand hall of the Temple approximately two hours ago," the golden droid behind him announced. Anakin continued walking down the paths of the Jedi Gardens, admiring the white flowers lining the walkway. "Don't worry 3PO, this won't take long," he promised.

C-3PO waddled behind Skywalker as a chirping astromech droid followed close behind. The golden protocol droid waved his hands, hoping to get Anakin's attention. "But just what is it we are doing?" he asked impatiently. The little R2 unit seemed to ask the same question through his beeping. Anakin turned to them and then looked over the garden where Jedi had been laid to rest.

"To visit an old friend."

Okay just so you all know, none of this next stuff is canon about Jedi funerals and burials. I couldn't find anything about how Jedi were buried so I made it up.
P.S.- Hope you are all enjoying the story so far!

Anakin remembered when he had first encountered the man who had freed him from slavery. The man who changed everything for him.

"Hello, Master Qui-gon."

As all Jedi before him, Qui-gon Jinn had been cremated and placed in a small wooden box. The boxes were buried in the Jedi Garden where it was believed the Jedi spirits dwelled in peace for the rest of eternity.

Anakin knelt down in front of the stone that read Qui-gon's name. It had been years since he had visited his original Master's grave. Fallen Japor leaves laid on the headstone until Anakin carefully brushed them off. A light evening breeze carried across the gardens and through his graying mane of gold locks.

"We've come a long way, haven't we?" he said quietly, thinking back to the day he met Qui-gon in Whatto's shop.
Behind him, Anakin heard R2 whistle. "You inferior little pit droid! That is Master Qui-gon Jinn! Don't you remember?" C-3PO snapped at R2. Anakin chuckled as he adjusted the hood that hung over his head.

"Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday Luke and Leia were in diapers and C-3PO and R2 were arguing over who got to be the twins' god-droid. Now they're nineteen and becoming Jedi Knights!- Not C-3PO and R2, they haven't changed much... But my son and daughter are growing up so fast!" Anakin rambled to the deceased Jedi Master.

"Man alone measures time. It is because of this that man suffers the paralyzing fear of running out of time..."

Anakin jumped slightly at the voice in his head. The voice that wasn't his. It sounded ancient and but still strong; like an old tree.

Anakin glanced back at the two droids who seemed oblivious to the voice. Maybe it was only in his head.

"I'm glad you came, Anakin..."

This time Anakin didn't have to look around. He knew who the voice was. "Master Qui-gon!" he said under his breath. Qui-gon chuckled softly.

"It has been a long time."

Anakin smiled as he closed his eyes to better concentrate. "I has, Master. I came by to... well, I'm not sure..." he trailed, his mind spinning into a jumble of thoughts.

"You're not sure if your son and daughter are ready to become Knight?"

Anakin shook his head. "They're ready. I'm just not sure I am," he admitted. A faint breeze carried through the garden, scattering the Japor leaves once again.

"What happened to the over-confident boy that Obi-wan trained?"

Anakin laughed at the arrogance he used to be full of. "I guess he became a father," he answered. "So what do I do now?" Qui-gon's voice was silent for a moment, as if lost in thought.

"Prepare yourself to let go, to move on. It is your children's destiny to bring balance to the Force and it is yours to support them."

Anakin sighed. "I had a feeling you would say that." He thought back to the day he had left his home on Tatooine with Qui-gon. Letting go had never been easy.

"You're late," a new voice said from behind. This one wasn't a ghost. It was Obi-wan.

The Grand Jedi Master was standing over Anakin who turned around abruptly to face his old master.

"I'm sorry Obi-wan. I didn't know you were... I was just on my way..." he mumbled. Obi-wan's twinkling eyes looked doen at Anakin with amusement. "Your wife sent me to look for you. I had a feeling I would find you here," he said, waving a hand around the garden. The sun turned the sky gold as it fell across the horizon. It was getting late.
Anakin ran a hand through his hair in mild distress. Obi-wan patted his back understandingly. "It's alright. I miss him too," he added, nodding toward Qui-gon's grave. Anakin nodded in return as he stood up to leave. "I only knew him a short time," he said distantly, "but he did so much for me."
Obi-wan gave a sad smile as he stopped behind Anakin. "I'm very proud of you Anakin." Anakin turned back again and returned the smile. Through it all, Obi-wan had alwayd been there for him. He couldn't have been more greatful to have called him his Master, and his friend.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Obi-wan."


      Hey guys! Haven't updated in a while but I've been busy with preparation for high school next fall. Hopefully I'll have more by next week but no promises. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! That's all for now, so may the Force be with you!

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