Parting Words

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Dinner was a mixture of confusion, astonishment, surprise, and elation for Luke and the Bonteri family as they sat around the family's dinner table and enjoyed a meal of Turu stew while Luke continued his list of questions which was only continuing to grow.

"I thought you were killed in a speeder accident on the outskirts of Iziz," Luke said, looking to Lux Bonteri, who was most certainly not dead. Lux shared an amused glance with his wife. "Well, then I guess our idea was a success," he stated almost proudly. Luke cocked an eyebrow and waited for him to explain. "You see, after Ahsoka and I reunited, I knew it would be impossible to keep our relationship a secret. We staged the speeder crash so that Lux Bonteri could disappear from politics without questioning and ever since then, we've been out here, raising a family. I know it must sound strange." Luke leaned back in his chair. "Not that strange," he replied, memories of his own early childhood returning to him. A senator and a Jedi running away together to start a family. Now where had he heard that one before?

Ahsoka wiped her son's face with a cloth. "It was kept a secret why Anakin Skywalker had left the Order, but when I heard about it, I had a feeling that I knew why." She smirked knowingly at Luke. "Only one thing could ever make a man as dedicated as your father give it all up."

Luke shrugged and took a slurp of stew. "Who would have thought that same thing could make him join the Order too?" he noted. Ahsoka thought over his words and then nodded. "So how's your sister? Last time we were in town to get supplies we heard that your Knighthood Ceremony was coming up." Luke felt as if he were talking to his aunt Sola. The way Ahsoka spoke to him, it was like she already knew him. "As far as I know, Leia's okay," he answered. He hoped she was. He wished she was with him now. How much she would love to meet Ahsoka Tano.

Ahsoka studied him a moment. "You miss her, don't you?" Luke wasn't sure if she had meant it as a question or as an observation but he answered anyways. "More than you'd know. Being separated from her just... doesn't feel right," he said looking down into his bubbling stew.

Mina watched him curiously still. "Are you a Jedi?" she asked, suddenly breaking the silence that had followed Luke's words. Luke looked over at her and smiled. "I am." She set her spoon down into her bowl and seemed to ponder the information. "Does that mean you're here on a mission?" she inquired. Luke chuckled. "You're very observant, Little One," he applauded. Mina smiled proudly at the compliment.

"I want to go on a miss-un too!" Anakin, Ahsoka's son, cried. The three oldest at the table all laughed softly at the young boy.


Lux and the children left to go play out in the garden while Ahsoka stayed behind to talk with Luke. "You're children are sweet. You must be a wonderful mother," he noted. Ahsoka smiled to herself as she cleared supper off the table. "I spent almost sixteen years training to become a Jedi. Leaving the Order was the hardest decision I've ever made, but when Mina was born- when I held her in my arms for the first time as Lux smiled lovingly at me and then at our baby girl- I knew that I had chosen the right path." Luke stood quietly as she spoke. He wondered if his father had felt the same way when he and Leia were born.

Ahsoka waited a moment before moving onto a more serious subject. She looked him directly in the eyes. "I've enjoyed having you as my guest Luke, but I sense that your mission is more urgent than you've let on," she inferred. Luke sat down at the table again. "I'm looking for a Sith," he informed her bluntly. He figured she would have figured it out soon enough. Ahsoka didn't seem like the type to beat around the bush. She was direct. Like his father. "Onderon has seen peace for many years," she began evenly. "But I fear that darkness grows over it," she admitted. Luke grew uneasy. So he was right. His suspicions weren't just in his head. "Do you know where I can find him?" he asked anxiously. Ahsoka paused for a moment and then shook her head. "I do not."

Luke rose from his chair slowly. Through the window, he could see the sun beginning to drop from the sky. It was time for him to go. "There's so much more I want to ask you," he said wistfully. "But I'm afraid I've already been away too long." Ahsoka nodded understandingly. "All paths that cross must eventually go their separate ways. I'm glad that the Force has willed our paths to cross at least once."

"Do you think you'd be interested in rejoining the Jedi?" Luke added. "I could use all the help I can get." Ahsoka smiled with amusement although Luke hadn't really meant it as a joke. "My days as a Jedi are over, Luke. But I truly hope that our paths will cross again one day." Luke smiled and shook his head. What was it with this woman and paths? "Sooner than later, I hope," Luke replied as he stepped out the door. He started down the dirt path away from the jungle home as the rays of the sun cast his long and distorted shadow out in front of him. His shadow mimicked him in a daunting way with its jagged bounces and stretched features; like it was ready to attack him if he were to turn his back to it. Ahsoka called after him from the door.

"Luke," she said cautiously. "The Force is strong in you. You have a power within you beyond what I will ever understand. Rett Lisban will do whatever he can to trick you into using that power for him. He will make the wrong choices seem right and he will make you question what you believe. Promise me you won't forget whose side you're on." Luke squinted into the sun but was able to focus on the shadows covering Ahsoka's face so that he was pretty sure he was looking her in the eyes. "I promise I won't," he said as he turned again to leave. He walked a few more steps before he stopped once more. He turned back to Ahsoka who was still watching him in the doorway. He wondered if this was how she felt as she left the Order. Did she ever want to look back one more time?

"Ahsoka," he called back. "Will you promise me something too?" Ahsoka gave him the same questioning look that her daughter had given him all throughout dinner. "Anything, Luke," she said slowly. The sun was dropping faster and faster. It looked as if it would crash into Onderon at any moment.

"When this is all over, will you come back? To see my father, I mean."

Although he was going blind from the sun's blazing rays, he could see a look of longing pass over the young woman's face. The question sank in as the sun sank into the horizon. Of all the ambiguous answers she had given him that day, her last one would be the most undetermined of all.

"May the Force be with you, Luke."

"May the Force be with you as well, Ahsoka."

What Could Have Been Part III: The Destined WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now