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Strolling down the steps of the Jedi temple, Anakin enjoyed every moment of Han's uncomfortable dread for what was to become of him. Was it cruel and maniacal? Sure. But did he care? Not at all.

"So Han, you've been seeing Leia for quite some time now," he began, a gruff tone of displeasure rolling off his lips. Han scratched the stubble on his chin uneasily. "Uh, yeah- errr I mean, yes sir." Anakin nodded along as they neared the foot of the steps. Dusk had come and gone, leaving Coruscant in it's enchanting twilight.

"And things are going well?" He asked after a long pause to add pressure on the young man. Han squirmed. "I- I think so," he answered.

Anakin crossed his arms as he circled Han the way a Nexu circled it's next meal. Time to really make him sweat. "What are you intentions for your relationship with my daughter, Han?"

Han nearly choked from the shock and then on his own words. "Intentions?" He repeated. Anakin nodded slowly, forcing himself not to crack a smile. "Intentions, future plans, that kind of thing."

Han wiped sweat off his brow. "Well I was thinking I would take her out to dinner tomorrow night..." Han explained slowly. Anakin chuckled. "I'm talking long term, Han," he clarified. Han stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Like what?"

Anakin shrugged. "Well, now that you're older, you should be thinking about settling down. How would you provide for a family?" The word caught Han off guard. "Family?" He repeated in shock. Anakin nodded.

Han cleared his throat, lost for words. "Well, I haven't really thought about... Not that I wouldn't want to... What was the question again?" Anakin set a hand on his shoulder. "Han, you're a good kid. A little rough around the edges, but I see potential in you." Allowing a genuine smile, Anakin sensed Han's nerves ease. "Uh... Thank you, Sir."

Anakin decided it was time to say the thing he had wanted ask Han for quite some time.

"Have you ever thought about joining the Alliance military service?"

Once again caught off guard, Han stood silently for a moment. A solid minute of thought drug on before he spoke. "You want me to join the military?" He asked in an awestruck voice. Anakin smiled and nodded again. "You're a great pilot and a heck of a shot, son. The navy could use someone like you."

Han finally smiled crookedly. He was obviously flattered and a little stunned by such an offer. Anakin chuckled as he waited for an answer.

Han put his fists in his pockets. "What about Chewie? He's always been my co-pilot." Anakin rubbed his chin. "I think we could find a place for Chewie." Han paced back and forth for a moment. "The navy..." He said under his breath. Anakin patted his back one more time before turning to go inside. "Just think about it, Han."


Leia was relieved when Han returned to the party unscathed and her father returned looking perfectly calm. She had been worried that you something would go terribly wrong.

And then something did.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Leia cringed as Luke snatched her slice of double layer, Trammistan chocolate cake off her plate. Leia rolled her eyes. "I was..." She mumbled as her brother polished off the cake. The twins were sitting at the center table with their parents as guests made their way past them; each one congratulating the young Jedi on their Knighthood. "Chew with your mouth closed, why don't you?" Leia asked in disgust as Luke munched on her dessert.

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "Lighten up Sis, it's our birthday!" He reminded as he shoved another bite of cake into his mouth.

As Leia was criticizing her brother's table manners, a man in recently polished armor approached the table. When Leia noticed the retired soldier, she sprung up from the table and into an attention stance. As her brother- still with cake in his mouth- did the same, the soldier looked them over sternly. After a minute of silence, he saluted. "At ease soldiers," he said with a smile before spreading his arms wide for a hug.

"Uncle Rex!"

Leia and Luke squeezed tight around the Captain's sides as he chuckled. "How are my two favorite Jedi Knights doing?" He asked. "No offense, General," he added with a nod toward Anakin. Leia's father laughed. "How's it going Rexy?" Rex scratched his white whiskers. "Feeling like a million credits as always."

It had been nearly eight years since Leia and Luke had met their "Uncle" Rex. From then on, when they weren't training or getting into mischief, they were listening to the Clone Wars Veteran retell stories from the two year war. They heard tales of everything from raging battles alongside his fellow soldiers, to adventures with their father, to dangerous missions with the mysterious Commander Tano who the twins had yet to learn much about. "I'll tell you about her another day," he would always say when they asked about the girl who had once been Anakin Skywalker's Padawan.

"I thought you were on Yavin IV for another month?" Luke questioned. Rex shrugged his shoulders as he took a seat. "And I'll be on my way back tomorrow morning. I figured I could use a vacation and what better way to spend it than celebrating the Knighthood of you two?"

"Has there been any progress in tracking Rett Lisban?" Leia turned to her father who was now waiting intently for Rex's answer. After a moment of unease, Rex managed a weary smile. "Our newest lead is promising. We're close. I can feel it-"

As the words left the Clone Captain's mouth, Leia turned to her brother. Their faces paled.

They felt it before it happened.


It came in a deafening roar as Leia felt the room- no, the temple- shake. Her mind went blank as she tried to make sense of her surrounding but the trembling threw her onto the ground. What's happening?

The ringing was still clear in her ears as she felt her brother scrambling to pull her up. Only through Force communication did she hear his words.

Leia we need to do something!

Forcing herself to her feet, Leia turned immediately to her father who grabbed her by her shoulders. "Are you two alright?" she saw his lips ask. She nodded numbly as her father turned to Rex.

"Rex what's going on?"

Mace Windu was the one to answer that question. He sprinted by the group, only stopping to reach for Anakin's arm. "The temple's being attacked! We're under attack."

Master Windu was gone in a second, but Leia watched desperately while her father stood, paralyzed in his thoughts; his icy blue eyes stricken with terror.

"But the Temple hasn't been attacked since..."

Probably will post again over the weekend. Not sure but remember to comment and thank you if you are still reading this story which I have neglected way too much even though I love it dearly! Until next time!

What Could Have Been Part III: The Destined WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now