Setting Out

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      Since we like haven't checked in with Leia in quite a while, let's see how she's doing...


       "Dad, this is Leia. Something is very wrong. I feel... something. There's more happening on Onderon than we thought. I haven't been able to contact Luke and I'm worried about him. Master Windu isn't letting us leave Felucia, but I need to get to Luke. Please contact me as soon as you can, Dad..."

       "What do you think BB-1?" Leia asked once she had finished recording the message to her father. BB-1 whistled approvingly. Leia patted the droid's dome. "Let's just hope the transmission goes through to Mandalore," she said almost to herself. The little droid rolled beside her as she lumbered off the supply freighter. Maya was waiting for her at the foot of the entry ramp. "Mission accomplished?" she asked. Leia nodded. "Fingers crossed."

       The two strolled the perimeter of the camp. Maya looked back at BB-1 who was following closely at their heels. "Eventually, they're planning on issuing them to all of the X-wing pilots in the Alliance. Han's gonna have a new flying buddy," she elaborated cheerfully. Leia only nodded as she continued walking. Maya frowned. "Come on Leia, you're not still upset about Han are you?" Leia stared out over the camp as she bit down on her upper lip. She knew Han wasn't the sentimental type, but when she had told him how she felt, she had expected some sign emotion or at least consideration. Did "I know" mean that he wasn't ready for that kind of commitment? Or was he flat out telling her that he didn't really care for her the way she cared for him?

       "Maya, I don't know I did wrong. I thought he loved me," she said softly. Maya wrapped her friend in a hug. "Leia, trust me. It's going to be okay. I'm sure there's a reason Han said what he said and I'm sure there's a reason he hasn't messaged in yet."

       Leia forced her eyes to hold back tears. This wasn't time to cry. This was a war. She had to be strong for the sake of the Alliance. For the sake of her family.

       Please Dad, get here soon..."






       Luke could feel them all raging inside of him. What he had said to his father was harsh and utterly cruel- he knew that. But unleashing his feelings towards his father had been satisfying. The torrent of words that had left his mouth were full of raw fury and now that they had been released, he felt much better. Maybe losing control wasn't always a bad thing.

       Perched atop a fat rock at the edge of the Alliance campsite, Luke found his thoughts wandering across the plains which he looked out upon. He was still tired from his escapade the day before and in all his angst, sleep had been an unobtainable luxury over night. But this morning air was cool and refreshing; filled with traces of wild grasses and the earthy soil, Luke almost felt like he was at home on Naboo once again. He had never truly been at peace anywhere but on the planet on which he grew up.

       And now, still unable to completely clear his head, Luke was interrupted by some invisible force, pulling him toward the unknown of this strange planet. Just over the horizon, he could still feel something waiting for him. Calling for him. He had considered telling his father about it, but in the heat of their argument, his mind was far too imbedded with anger and hostility. Now it was still coercing him forward. Toward whatever was hiding out there...

       "Credit for your thoughts."

       Luke turned toward Rex who he hadn't noticed coming up behind him. He stared out over the field with crossed arms and a content look on his face. Luke pulled his knees to his chest. "Rex, have you ever felt like there was something more out there than what you were seeing? Like something was out there just waiting for you to find it?" Rex scratched the whiskers on his chin thoughtfully. "I'm no Jedi, kid. But I was young once. When I was first began my training, I was taught that all I was good for was fighting," he began with nostalgia weaving through his voice as he spoke. "Then I met your father and things started to change- I started to change. I didn't just see myself as a soldier. I was a leader. He showed me that even though I had been created to fight a war, there was still something more for me."

      Luke stayed silent for a minute. He had never thought of the confident captain as someone who didn't know their purpose. He wandered what it was like to be the replication of someone. To be a clone. Did he ever wander what it was like to be one of a kind? To have a family? No that was silly. Rex was one of a kind and as far as Luke was concerned, Rex was his family. He was his uncle.

      "I don't want my destiny to be nothing but a prophecy on a scroll, Rex. Sometimes I feel like there's nothing more to me than being the son of the Chosen One. I know I'm supposed to be destined for greatness but... What greatness isn't what's destined for me?" Rex chuckled. "Uh, you lost me on that one." He laughed louder and patted Luke on the back. "Don't worry about destiny, kid. In my book, you make your own destiny."

      Luke managed a smile. "Thanks, Rex."

      Now the clone commander's laughter subsided and his eyes cast a serious tone in them. "Now onto business. A scouting team in heading east in 0200 hours. They need someone to lead them so I told them that I knew the perfect man for the job. That is, if you're up for it?" he added with a daring smile. Luke was pleased with the opportunity to lead. For once, he had an mission that he wasn't giving himself. "You bet I am!"

       Whatever was calling to him was going to have to wait. He was going to do his duty and show everyone, even his dad, that he could do things right.

What Could Have Been Part III: The Destined WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now