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It was nearly midnight when Anakin finally got home to the Skywalkers' apartment home. The lights were dimly lit and around the living room but he knew who he would find wide awake.

"I'm glad your safe Padme," he said thankfully as he scooped up his wife in his arms. She hugged his neck tightly. "I was so worried about you Ani..." She murmured into his ear. Anakin looked down at her. "It's been a while since you called me that," he said with smile. Padme smirked up at him. "It's also been a long time since you stole a ship," she added.

Anakin laughed. "Oh, you heard about that?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. Padme rested a hand on his shoulder. "I wasn't even surprised," she chuckled.

Anakin laughed, but his attention turned down the hall toward his son and daughter's rooms. "Did Luke and Leia get home?" He asked. Padme turned toward their closed doors. "They went straight into their rooms," he answered regretfully. "What happened Anakin?"

Anakin sat down on the couch. "Nothing," he said without meeting his wife's eyes. He knew Padme wouldn't accept the answer. She sat down beside him, placing her hand on his thigh. "Anakin, no secrets. Not this time," she demanded calmly yet firmly. Anakin turned to her. He brushed a strand of her curly hair out of her face. "I'm worried about letting them go," he said finally.

Padme studied him for a long time. "Honey, I know it's hard to accept that they're grown up, but you need to have faith that you trained them to make the right decisions." Anakin held his wife's hands in his. "How do you always know exactly what to say?" He asked with a faint smile. Padme kissed the side of his jaw. "Let's just say I'm good with diplomatic solutions."

Anakin stood up and Padme did the same. He pulled her close to his chest. "Well diplomatic solutions are nice and all, but I think I'll stick with aggressive negotiations..." He said slyly.

He bent down to kiss her but Padme held a finger to his lips. "Don't you think it's a little late for that?" She asked coyly. Anakin allowed his hands to wander from his wife's hips as he leaned forward again. "There's no time like the present..." he insisted flirtatiously.

Padme whispered into her husband's ear, letting her lips ghost his neck. "We'll have plenty of time for that on Mandalore, don't you think?" Anakin shivered. "Well I... Wait. How did you know about Mandalore?" He asked, snapping out of his romantic reverie. Padme grinned mischievously and strut out of the room.

"Maya told me as soon as she heard from Mace," she explained proudly. Anakin shook his head. "I should've known you always have connections," he laughed. Padme coquettishly stalked into the bedroom. "Well of course..."

"After all, I am a politician."


The ringing was awful.

Luke didn't know where it had come from but this ringing in his ears pounded his head until his thoughts amounted to nothing. Finally, Luke forced his eyes open. Smoke surrounded him as he rose to his feet.

"Luke... Luke..."

Luke's eyes darted back and forth. "Leia? Leia where are you?" He looked down and there she was; on her knees and crying. "Luke you have to help me!" she begged through sobs.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you talking about Leia?" He asked in confusion. Then from within the smoke, another figure appeared. He carried a gun in his hand and wore unmistakable navy armor. "I told you you would regret what you've done," he said menacingly.

"Blast!" Luke clenched his teeth. E was the one who had hurt his sister! He would pay. Luke lunged forward and ignited his blue lightsaber. Blast lay fallen in front of him. Luke breathed roughly as he stood over the slaughtered clone. Then from behind him, he heard laughter. Leia's laughter.

"Good Luke," she said deviously. She stood slowly, a dark cloak covering her body. "The Master will be pleased..." Luke stared curiously at her. "What are you talking about Leia?" Leia chuckled lowly. "Join me, Luke. It's the only way," she insisted. Luke circled his sister so he now stood in front of her.

"Leia," he began unsteadily, "What's going on? What happened?" He wanted answers. None of this made sense. A cruel smile crossed Leia's lips as she stepped toward her brother. "I feel your anger. Give into your hatred!"

Luke shook his head quickly. He didn't believe what he was hearing. "No!" He protested urgently. "I can't. We- We have to defeat the Sith!" Leia leaned close to her brother. "You still don't get it Luke," she chastised in a cynical whisper.

"I am the Sith!"

"Leia no!"

Luke sat straight up in bed. He felt his heart beating rapidly in his chest as snapped from sleep. He was in his room. Silence enveloped the whole house. It was all a dream.

More like a nightmare. He concluded gravely. It had all been so real; The feelings, the emotions, the fear. Rubbing the sweat from his brow, Luke breathed in shallowly. What if it was more than just a dream?

Luke shivered at the thought. Leia, a Sith? Never! She wouldn't turn to the Dark Side. Would she?

Unless of course, she had a reason to. If their father's overbearing parenting drove Leia to breaking the rules once, what if she was willing to do it again? And how far would she go?

The thought left Luke's throat dry. Pushing the sheets back, he swung his legs over the side of the bed. He ran his hands through his mop of hair as he tried to make sense of his awful vision.

I can't let this happen. I can't...

What Could Have Been Part III: The Destined WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now