Barnabas the Cynical

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      Although he knew he should head back to the Alliance camp, Luke Skywalker found himself wandering closer and closer to the jungle city of Iziz. Dusk had come and gone over the quiet ruins, leaving the sky a sickly grayish blue color. The chirps of crickets echoed all around as Luke came to the walls of the forgotten city.

      I have a bad feeling about this...

     Truth be told, he had a bad feeling about most things on Onderon. It was as if the entire planet was shrouded in darkness. Maybe that was why he was there. He needed to find that darkness and a city of shadows seemed like a good place to start.

      Of course, there weren't any shadows at that particular moment. Or perhaps the city itself was just one big shadow now. The eerie vines climbing the buildings seemed even more tangled than before. It was if they were trying to pull the city into the ground with their roots. Luke shuddered at the thought of undergrowth wrapping around his legs to take him down as well. He was relieved to see the tarnished statue of Lux Bonteri standing bravely in the center of the city. As he passed by, he gave a salute to the lifeless figure. It felt strange to see a memorial for someone who was not actually dead. It was like burying a body before it was dead and this thought also made Luke shudder.

      The courtyard inhabited by the monument of Lux appeared desolate in the darkness of the night. The echoes of the civilian lives who once lived in Iziz were entombed in the city itself. A rebellion was born here. Luke remembered the story Uncle Rex had told him. Why did that feel so long ago when it had merely been a few days? Snapping Luke from his thoughts was the sound of hushed breathing. A soul who did not want to be found.

      "Well what are you waiting for, Barnabas? Aren't you gonna capture me already?"

      A howl of laughter shook the crumbling stone walls of the city. Figures stepped out of hiding all around him and Luke was suddenly centered alongside the inanimate Lux Bonteri. Thugs of all species in grimy clothing with crooked teeth moved in on him. Luke folded his arms. "I'm a little hurt, Barnabas. With us being such good friends, I would have thought you'd come to greet me yourself."

      "Oh where are my manners? 'Ello, my Jedi friend!" the raspy voice of Barnabas the Cynical called from above. Luke looked up as a figure glowing from the moonlight stepped to the edge of a rooftop. Luke could imagine the hideous grin on the pirate's face as he leaned over the side of the ledge.

      "And since we're such close acquaintances, I'll give you the option of comin' peacefully. No need to make a mess of an'more of my men like last time, eh?" Barnabas asked in a friendly tone. Luke shook his head. "I appreciate your generous offer, but I'm afraid I've come with more urgent matters," Luke said evenly. Barnabas shifted to the back of his heels and laughed in amusement. "Urgent matters? My that sounds serious. And what makes you think I would help you?" he asked with faked interest. Luke kept his neutral expression. "I'm willing to make a fair trade in exchange for information. As long as you're willing to play nice, so will I. Like you said, no need to make a mess."

      At this, the whole band of marauders erupted into a hearty laughter that filled the empty night air. Barnabas sounded on the verge of tears until he composed himself. "Which one of us is the pirate, eh? And what makes you think you got an'thing I would want?" Barnabas asked with a daring sneer.

      "How about oxygen?"

      "What do you- gha!"

      In a flash, Barnabas sailed off the his rooftop perch and now dangled in the air in front of Luke for all of his men to see. His hands clammed around his throat in a hopeless attempt to free his windpipe from the Force's grasp. Luke clenched his fingers closer together as if he were gripping the hilt of his lightsaber. Some Barnabas' men took steps forward; ready to defend their leader but hesitant to anger the young Jedi. Luke shot a glare at them. 'I wouldn't move if I were you," he warned and the men stayed put. Turning back to the gagging Barnabas, Luke brought him down to eye level so he could speak. "When you captured me, you said that there was a bounty on my father's head. Who exactly are you working for, Barnabas?" The Falleen pirate's eyes bulged out of his head as he gasped for a breath. He seemed more frantic than ever to free himself. "I- I... Don't... Remember..." Luke narrowed his eyes. "Well you'd best start remembering," Luke suggested. "Who are you working for?"

      Barnabas gasped desperately. "Alright, alright... I'll... talk..." he croaked in a voice so cut off that it was barely understandable. Luke released his Force grip and the air-deprived scoundrel dropped to the ground. Luke allowed him a moment to catch his breath and then pulled him to his feet by the collar of his shirt. "Talk," he commanded.

      "We got a message from a 'nonymous client. Ten thousand credits for the son of Skywalker and fifteen for the man himself. Said to bring 'em to Onderon. Followed his coordinates here. That's all I know. I swear!" When he was finished, the poor pirate collapsed on the ground and his men rushed to help their fainted friend. They kept weary eyes on Luke as he nodded in satisfaction.

      "Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, my friend."

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