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Long time no see guys! Well, after finishing Remember What We Were- which you should all go read in my library, going on a mission trip to Tennessee, surviving band camp (barely), and making my school's JV volleyball team, I've finally been able to work out the kinks in this story which I have spent way to much time away from. So thank you all for your patience and enjoy this new chapter...


The room swirled with chaos. Guests and camera crews crowded around Leia and her brother as they attempted to make it through the ball room. No. This was not the ceremony.

It was the after party.

Leia squirmed under the eyes of a dozen people. The ceremony had gone perfectly once her father finally showed up. But now she had to face something much more terrifying. A speech.

Since their Knighthood had become such a big deal, Mace Windu had suggested the idea that both Leia and Luke give a speech.When their father agreed, it was settled. A speech. In front of people.

"Leia do you and your brother get along?"

"Who does your hair?"

"Does your father let you date yet?"

Leia turned red. Her father appeared behind her and Luke, waving away the crowds. "Alright, question and answer time is over! Move it people!" he shouted at the reporters.

"But they didn't answer any questions!" a voice protested. Anakin flashed a menacing grin. "Okay then, how about we take a walk outside and I'll answer your questions?" He received no reply.

As the crowd of press thinned out, Anakin scooped up his children in a hug. Leia looked wide eyed at her brother who dangled limpy as their father hugged tighter. "I'm so proud of you two!" Anakin exclaimed. Luke and Leia gasped for air.




Anakin released his grip as the two fell to the ground. "Sorry guys!" he said quickly. "Are you two ready to give your speeches?"

Leia exchanged glances with her brother before answering. "Yeah... Daddy about that... I'm really not feeling well right now. Maybe I should just go rest." Luke nodded along with the lie. "I'm not feeling to good either. Must be something going around!"

Anakin chuckled as he crushed his son and daughter in another hug. "I know you guys are nervous, but don't worry. You'll both do great!"

Leia squeezed her way out of her father's death grip of an embrace.
"I hope you're right, Dad," she said wistfully. Luke set his arm on Leia's shoulder. "But just to be clear, you're going first."

"Why me? You're older!" Leia said, wrinkling her nose. Luke shook his head, swaying his mop of blonde hair as well. "Precisely, baby sister. I am older which is why I get to decide who goes first." Leia rolled her eyes. "Fine."

Suddenly Mace Windu's voice was echoing through the room over the loud speaker. The Holonet news crews hushed to hear the Grand Jedi Master speak from the front stage.

"On behalf of the Jedi Council of the New Order, I would like to present..." Mace began.

Leia nudged her brother. "That's our signal," she noted as the two made their way to the stage.

"Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker, children of The Chosen One and Destined Warriors of Prophecy..."

Luke motioned a hand toward the stage. "Ladies first." Leia glared at him as she stepped into the stage floor. Brothers. A spotlight overhead forced her to squint into the audience. She swallowed hard as silence enveloped the room. They were all watching her.

Suddenly, Leia stiffened. She felt her heart beating throughout her body as hundreds of eyes landed on her. Say something! She demanded herself, but her lips wouldn't comply. She was paralyzed. And then a different voice popped into her head.

Hey Sis, in case you've forgotten, this is the part where you move your mouth and words come out.

Oh is that so? Well maybe you should've gone first!

Just saying, Dad will be up here in about thirty seconds if you don't start doing something.

Leia's eyes widened. There was no way she was letting her father hop on stage to embarass her. She had to start speaking and fast. Inching toward the mike, she inhaled weakly. Here goes nothing...

"Good evening..." she squeaked. Her voice amplified through the speakers and caused her to jump. The crowd remained silent so she went on. "I uh, I'm not very good at public speaking but I'd like to say thank you to all of you for coming to support my brother and I."

Now was that so hard?

Leia ignored her brother and kept going. "I'd also like to thank the Jedi Council, and especially Master Windu and Master Kenobi for mentoring Luke and I these past eight years. Finally, I would like to thank our mother and father. Without their love and support, we wouldn't be here."

Leave some credit for us will ya? Luke suggested boastfully. Leia's eyes flickered to the side to see him smirking her way.

Will you get out of my head?

"A lot of you may not know this, but aside from being our knighthood, today is also our nineteenth birthday. Luke and I have come a long way since we first began our training and to tell you the truth, he can be a real Nerf herder at times."

This sparked a laugh from the crowd and Leia felt a smile cross her lips. Luke however, was not as amused.

Oh gee Leia, thanks. I see how you feel. Remind me to give your diary to the Holonet publisher before he leaves.

Would you just let me finish?

"But despite being a Nerf herder," she began again, "Luke has been there for me no matter what. He's been by my side since before I can remember and there isn't any other way I would want it. I couldn't ask for a better brother, twin... And friend."

The crowd let out an "awww"at the heartwarming comment and Leia felt her smile widen. She meant every word of what she said and she could tell Luke knew that. She turned to her brother who was grinning back at her.

Luke, are you crying?

Luke quickly rubbed at his eyes. Wiping away the water forming in them.

N-no! I just... got something in my eye! That's all!

The crowd erupted in applause. There were cheers and whistles for the young Jedi's speech and Leia thanked the Force she had gotten through it.

"I'm tellin' the truth! I know one of the Destined Warriors!"

Leia heard the voice in the back of the ballroom. Although nearly drowned out by the rest of the guests, she knew the voice belonged to someone she knew quite well.

"No really! She's my girlfriend! Tell 'em Chewie."

And then came the unmistakable barking of an enraged Wookiee. Leia felt her face turn pink as one by one, the crowd turned toward the excitement coming from the rear door. Oh no...

She craned her neck to see a young man and Wookiee being pulled toward the door by white armoured Alliance Security.

"Hey Pal, watch the hair!" the man snapped as his captor shoved his head forward. Leia stood on stage gawking.


The young man, sporting a pair of navy trousers and a loose cream shirt- untucked in the front- looked up and flashed a crooked smile. "Oh hey, Babe! Happy Birthday!" he shouted across the room. Now eyes danced from Leia on stage, to the scoundrel being shoved out the door.

Leia pressed a palm to her forehead as her cheeks glowed red.

"Thanks, Sweetie..."

What Could Have Been Part III: The Destined WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now