Lost, and Found

884 53 37

      Still Luke

      Luke rolled onto his back and winced in pain. Every bone ached in every part of his body and even before opening his eyes, he knew that the world would be fuzzy when he did.

      Some Jedi you are, dumbass! He rebuked himself. Can't even see the giant tree right in front of you! He shifted his body slowly so as not to put himself in anymore pain but every direction he tried shot a stab of discomfort throughout his throbbing limbs. When he finally did force himself to sit up, the blood rushing from his head sent a torrent of dizziness to his brain so strongly that he was forced to lie back down.

      After a moment of disoriented fog, Luke was able to rise into a lazy slouch and reassess his situation. Pieces of his bike were scattered all over. Jagged hunks of metal jutted out of the ground and peeked out of bushes like stalagmites rising off the floor of a cavern. Luke decided that his decision to bail just before his speeder rammed the side of a tree. Had he not, he would have been scattered across the ground along with the shards of the vehicle.

      Aching from head to toe, Luke indignantly dreaded the hike he would have to make back to camp. His attempts to ditch Barnabas' goons had taken him even farther from the base and he loathed the idea of making the journey on foot. He didn't even know which direction camp was! With great effort, Luke pulled his com link off of his belt and held it to his mouth. "Rex... Rex, come in... I'm stuck out in the middle of no where and I  wouldn't mind a skiff coming to pick me up..." The com sputtered out static as it buzzed over and over in his hand. Rex wouldn't be able to get his message. His signal was being jammed.

      But by who?

      Supporting himself with one hand on the ground, Luke rose to his feet. He winced as he straightened himself but he found that standing felt significantly better than being hunched over on the ground in a fetal position. He stared at the com link in his hand. It was still buzzing. Two long buzzes together and then a brief pause. It was almost as if he someone or something was trying to get his attention. He narrowed his eyes and looked up toward the trees. "I'm not falling for a surprise attack this time Barnabas!" he spat at the air. A few birds hopped between branches but no one replied. The com link buzzed again. Luke laughed mockingly at himself. This was a fluke. There wasn't anyone here and there certainly wasn't anyone trying to communicate with him. The signal was probably being blocked by a solar flare or magnetic infrequencies. "I must have hit my head harder than I thought..." he said to himself as he began to wander through the forest.

      Bzzzz bzzzz

      Luke stopped in his tracks. This time, the hum of his com sounded the slightest bit louder than before. As if whatever they were coming from had grown closer than before. Another two buzzes. Luke glanced quizzingly at the surrounding trees and sighed. Whatever this thing was that was trying to get his attention, it was very persistent. But perhaps this buzz could help him. Maybe it could help him get back to the base or it possessed some sort of information pertaining to Rett Lisban. Maybe this was what the Force had been pulling him towards ever since he had landed on Onderon. It couldn't hurt to find out.

      "Alright fine," he said aloud as he began moving in the direction that had strengthened the signal. "But could you at least tell me who you are?" he asked the buzz in mild agitation.

       Bzzzz bzzzz

       Luke rolled his eyes. "Okay how about this? One buzz for yes, and two buzzes for no. Got it?"


       "I'll take that as a yes. Can you tell me who you are?"

       Bzzzz bzzzz

       "Of course not. Well what about me? Do you know who I am?"


       "Then we've met before."

       Bzzzz bzzzz

      Luke hesitated for a second. The signal seemed to have faded slightly. He changed direction and the buzz grew stronger once again.

       "Okay so we haven't met before. Are you with the Alliance?"

      Bzzzz bzzzz

      "Are you working for Rett Lisban?" he asked with present hostility.

      Bzzzz bzzzz

      "Hmm, a third party huh? Do you live here on Onderon?"


      "Should I really be trusting you?"

       Bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz

       "Is that a maybe? Never mind. Do you know my Unc- I mean, Captain Rex?"


      "What about my father?"


       Luke quickened his steps. The signal was resonant now. He was getting close.

       "Are you a Jedi?"

       There was a long pause. As if the buzz wasn't sure how to answer.

       Bzzzz bzzzz

       Luke realized that he was no longer following the buzz from his com. The Force had taken over in leading him towards whoever was talking to him. They may not have been a Jedi, but they definitely were strong with the Force.

       "Are you ever going to come out and talk to me?"

       The answer didn't come through a buzz this time. A rustle in the trees caused Luke to turn his attention to a figure looking down on him from the branches high above him. He couldn't make out a face but he didn't have to. The figure leapt off its perch and landed on the forest floor right in front of him with such grace that it couldn't have been done without the Force. So they were a Jedi.

       The figure was dressed in a light brown cloak that hid their face in a veil of shadows. From the build of the beings, Luke could tell it was a she. Her hands came up to her hood and pulled it back, resting it carefully on her shoulders. She revealed orange skin and a pair of blue and white headtails rising from the top of her head and dangling in front of her. Her smile was nothing short of eloquent.

       Would you look at this," she finally spoke, as if to someone else, though they alone in the tranquil jungle. She rested her hands on her hips and looked Luke over. This smile on her face widened as if she were seeing an old friend. In a way, she was.

       "A little Skyguy..."

       Yes. I know I just brought her back. Leave a comment and tell me what you think. I want to hear everything you guys have to say about this chapter. Hopefully more tomorrow. Goodnight!

What Could Have Been Part III: The Destined WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now