The Ceremony of the Destined Warriors

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      A golden sun fell behind the towering metal buildings of Coruscant. Anakin raced up the steps with Obi-wan trailing after him.

      "Anakin, I'm not as young as I used to be!" the master called, out of breath. Anakin stopped to watch Obi-wan trudge up the steps if the Temple. If there had been a race between the sun setting and him making it up the marble moutain-side, the sun would have won. "Why do you have to be so old?" Anakin whined. Obi-wan held his back, "When you're my age, Anakin, you won't be much better."

      "No way, Obi-wan. This young body isn't going anywhere!"

      "The hair is the first thing to go, my young student."

      "My hair?" Anakin asked, nervously clutching his locks of hair between his fingers.

       Obi-wan laughed mischievously as he finished his ascent and stopped again to catch his breath outside the Temple. "Go on without me Anakin... I'll catch up with... with you in a minute..."

       Anakin patted the older man's back carefully. "Nonsense," he objected, "I can't leave you out here." Obi-wan waved him away. "Well I'm not going to kill over if that's what you're thinking! Blast, Anakin, how old do you think I am?" he asked in a seemingly offended tone.

      Anakin dodged the question. He was already late enough. "I better get inside." As he entered the Temple, Obi-wan smiled up at him with the unmistakable gleam in his eyes.

       "May the Force be with you, Anakin."

      "Master Anakin, are you're children prepared to defeat the Sith as the Prophecy states?"

      "What were Luke and Leia like as children Master Skywalker?"

      "Can we get a few pictures of everyone's favorite Grand Master and father? It'll only be a few seconds!"

      "Master Skywalker, is it true that you dye your hair?"

      Anakin cltuched his hair again as he ran past the news crews that swarmed the Temple hallways. They had flocked from all across the galaxy to get the latest scoop on the "Destined Warriors" and their father.

      "Leave my hair alone!" he yelled, hurrying down the hall before paparazzi could hold him up any longer.

      Where's Windu when you need him? He thought, ducking past flashing holonet cameras and mics. Mace Windu was supposed to be in charge of crowd control but he was no where in sight.

      "Master Skywalker, you're needed ASAP in the Grand Hall!" a shy voice piped up to his right. Mya appeared by his side with wide eyes. Anakin followed behind her down the hall of reporters.

      "Where's Windu, Mya?" he asked as they hurried along. Mya had been Masters Windu's Padawan before she became a Jedi Knight. She and Leia had grown close over the years since the twins came to Coruscant to finish their training.

       Mya shrugged as they came to the entrance to the Grand Hall. "We haven't got time, Master Skywalker. You better get out there! Everyone is getting anxious!" she suggested, nodding toward the door.

       Anakin ran his hands through his messy hair. "But I-"

       "Anakin Skywalker! Where in the galaxy have you been?!?"

       "Uh-oh... Hi, Honey. You look absolutely beautiful!"

       "That's not gonna work on me! I can't believe that you're late for your own son and daughter's Knighthood Ceremony!"

       "I know, I know! I'm sorry, Padme!" Anakin apologized. But it was too late. His wife, Padme, grabbed a thick lock of his hair and tugged him toward the doorway. He yelped in pain.

       "Ouch! Honey- Honey! Not the hair!" he begged.

       Padme paid no attention to her husband's cries. She released her grip on his bangs and fixed his hair. Her mood flipped completely as she forgot about Anakin's tardiness.

       "Oh Ani! Our babies are all grown up!" she cooed as she wrapped her arm around his. Anakin took a deep breath. "They're not gonna need me anymore," he confessed to himself. Padme touched her palm to his cheek and kissed him.

       "They'll always need you, Anakin," she assured him.

        Anakin smiled down at her. "I love you so much." He kissed her forehead. "Now let's get this over with."

        As the two entered through the back of the Grand Hall, the guests erupted in cheers and applause. Anakin and Padme both blushed as they made their way down the aisle.

       After saving Felucia from being taken over by Rett Lisban, the Skywalkers had become the galaxy's favorite family.

       As they came to front of the hall, Padme took her seat in the front row. With her hair in an elegant bun and a navy blue gown against her olive skin, Anakin hadn't lied when he said she looked absolutely beautiful.

       Turning to his children, who stood side by side on the stage, Anakin nodded slightly toward them. Luke smirked as he leaned toward Leia. "Told you he would be late. Pay up, Sis." Leia groaned slightly as she descretely passed Luke five credits. "Nerf herder..." she muttered under her breath.

       Anakin stepped up onto the stage. His children both smiled up at him although Luke was much closer to his father's height than Leia. "Hi Dad," they whispered in unison. Anakin smiled back sheepishly.

      "Hi guys."

      "You're late," they hummed.

      "I'm sorry. Happy birthday by the way."

      His son and daughter both grinned widely as Anakin turned away from them and to the audience. He cleared his throat apprehensivly.

       "I present to you, the Destined Warriors of Prophecy! Let the ceremony of their knighthood begin..."

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