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13 years later

' Stopping running you freaking piece of shit..'

' Jiminie stop...'

' I swear to god Tae if you even think of telling about it to anyone am gonna beat your ass' Jimin yelled as he chased a giggling Taehyung around his room

' Yaaa... I never knew you could be this horny' Tae giggled as he dodged another pillow

' Shut up' Jimin said panting as he sat down on the bed

' Seriously Jiminie hyung.. you had a wet dream about Yoongi hyung...that too while sleeping beside me! Eww gross' Tae made a disgusted face

' You are so dead Kim Taehyung' Jimin was on his feet ready to kick his best friend when the door to their room open revealing a pissed Jin

' What on earth is going on here? And why are you both still in night clothes? Don't you have University to attend?' Jin scolded but his expression immediately changed into a soft one when he saw a small pout forming on his son's lips. ' Now go and get ready... it's getting late'

' Okk appa..' Taehyung smiled as he walked towards the washroom but stopped near Jimin ' But still Jiminie... I'll tell hyungiee'

' Taehyung' Jimin yelled as Taehyung closed the door of the bathroom

' He is still the same tease he was years ago' Jimin said looking at Jin who was fondly smiling at them ' And seriously hyung.. University sucks! Our time was better'

' Come on Jimin ah.. this is important' Jin said smiling

' He is lucky that I love him' Jimin huffed

' Now go get ready.. Am making breakfast..and how is Yoongi?'

' Still busy with his search... Hobi hyung is also with him' Jimin sighed

' I just hope we find him soon.. I really miss him'

' Me too hyung...me too' Jimin said remembering their past days


' Happy birthday my babyyy' Jin and Namjoon hugged the boy who rubbed his eyes sleepily

' Thankyou appaa dadaa' Tae smiled hugging them back tightly

' I can't believe my bear grew this much' Namjoon said stroking his son's hair

Taehyung just smiled as he snuggled closer to his parents.

' Ok you can go to sleep now. Appa will bake cake tomorrow and we will call your hyungs ok?' Jin asked

' Ok appa' Tae mumbled as he smiled at Jin and Namjoon who kissed him goodnight and left

Tae almost laid down when his phone rang. A small smile crept on to his lips when he saw the name displayed on the screen

' Happy birthday Taetae'

' Thankyou so much Jiminiee.... I thought you slept' Tae smiled laying down on the bed

' Don't be stupid Tae! Me sleeping on my soulmate's birthday? Not a chance' Jimin exclaimed making Taehyung giggle

' Jiminie' Tae called

' Hmm' Jimin hummed attentively

' Am eighteen' Taehyung squeakled happily as Jimin laughed... happiness filling his voice as he chatted with his best friend

' He is eighteen Joon' Jin turned towards Namjoon who was lying on the other side of the bed with his hand wrapped around Jin's waist ' Do you think that he will find him any sooner?'

' They will meet soon Jin...we just have to wait. We have waited this long it's just a matter of some more time' Namjoon said as many thoughts passed his mind

' I don't want anything to go wrong this time' Jin sighed

' No..this time we are here' Namjoon assured pulling him closer


Stop there you omega....you can't escape me

The man yelled as he chased the white wolf whose fur shined like silver under the moonlight . The wolf ran and ran.. panting heavily just in a hope to find it's alpha and as if on cue a big black wolf jumped in protecting the white wolf

The man already on the floor... bleeding. The black wolf turned around.. nudging the white one on his head when something moved and the two wolves snapped their head towards the source of voice.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye.. the black wolf was on ground.. blood staining the dark fur.. breathing ragged.

The white wolf howled running towards the black wolf...a heartbreak scream erupting it's throat when a knife was stabbed into the chest of the black wolf...


Taehyung sat up on his bed.. chest heaving up and down as he breathed heavily.. covered in sweat..heart beating in a dangerous pace. He placed both his hands on top of his racing heart..still trying to get a hold on his breathing

' Tae are you ok?' Jin and Namjoom came rushing in when they heard their son screaming.

Jin rushed to him pulling him into his embrace trying to calm him down

' Alpha' Taehyung whimpered making Jin still his movement and Namjoon shocked

' Alpha....th-they killed him' Taehyung looked at Jin desperately ' They..they ki-killed him..they killed al-alpha... They killed my alpha..my...alphaa'

' Tae...bear calm down..please calm down for appa' Jin said stroking his back. Namjoon rushed downstairs returning back with a bottle of water

' Baby look at me' Jin said slowly taking his son's face in his hands wiping away the tears. He handed over the bottle making him drink it

' Are you ok bear?' Namjoon asked once Taehyung calmed down.

Tae looked at his parents.. blinking before nodding ' I guess it was just a dream'

' What did you dream of Tae' Namjoon asked carefully.

Tae looked at him..his eyes slowly filling with tears remembering it ' Appa... Dada.. there was a white Wolfie.. someone attacked him...but the black wolf..save him... Dadaa he was the alphaa dada...they killed the alpha..they killed him...appa they killed him..the ki-killed him in front of his omega'

' Taee breath.. don't panic' Jin said when he saw Taehyung struggling for breath

' It was just a dream bear... Don't think too much.' Jin rubbed his back

They waited till Taehyung was clearly calmed down.

' Sorry for making you both worried' Taehyung said guilt tripping his voice

' No Taebear it's ok... Now you should sleep. Do you want to sleep with us?' Namjoon asked

' No no dada it's fine' Tae smiled making his parents somewhat releaved

' Call us if you need anything' So saying Both of them left Tae

' Jin.... I think the wait is over' Namjoon said as soon as they left Taehyung's room.

' i guess it is Joonie' Jin said nodding

' Am seriously reading too many werewolf stories these days...' Taehyung mumbled to himself ' But this dream felt so real...' Taehyung got out of his bed walking towards the window.

The moon shone brighter in the star filled sky. ' why did it hurt too much even if it was a dream? Why can't I be genuinely happy? why do I feel like something is missing?' Taehyung asked looking up at the moon...a habit he has developed since childhood. ' I have a loving family... I have the bestest friend and hyung anyone could ever have...I should be happy with this right..then what is this incomplete feeling that's filling me up each passing day... I hope I find the answers soon'


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