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Eleven, The age when werewolves transform completely and get their ranks revealed.... One of the most important days in the life of a wolf..other than the day they turn eighteen..

Jin and Ji Eun's eleventh birthday was very special... considering the fact that male omega's were considered a blessing and female alpha's being their pride... it's not like they won't be considered special if it was not the case..

And Namjoon and Yoongi.... The boys wished with their whole heart to be an alpha... so that they could do their best in protecting the gems in their family..yes Jimin and Taehyung..the heart and soul of the palace...
Since the moment they got to know about how dangerous is both of the kids' life they swore on their wolves to protect them...even if they have to sacrifice their lives... And being an alpha was the best.. because other ranks will have to submit in front of an alpha who uses his alpha voice.... And occurrence of that being a high chance..as Eleanor was one of the few kingdoms which considered all ranks equal... Yoongi and Namjoon prayed day and night to moon goddess and finally on their 11th birthday their wish was granted...

Namjoon even cried hugging his three youngers.. promising to be always there for them...

Now it was Jimin's turn.... Yes...five years passed in the blink of an eye... Jin and Ji Eun were 16...just two years away from getting their mates...  Namjoon and Yoongi 14.. Jungkook now 10... Tae 5 and Jimin going to turn 11 tonight.....

All were excited to see what Jimin's rank would be...the kids have even made bets.... Yoongi and Jin against Namjoon JiEun and Jungkook... Yoongi stuck to the idea of Jimin being an omega... while the other team thought he would be a beta or alpha.... But whatever rank he would be they will love him the same way....

Five years ago.. after his prophecy..when Jimin woke up..he didn't remember a thing  that happened after bringing Tae home... They all decided to keep it a secret from Jimin and Jungkook until they reach an age  where they would clearly understand the situation.

Jimin was told about his truth of being adopted and also about his ability on his previous birthday.. and to the relief of the elders..he took the whole matter in a great way...he was very thankful towards all of them for accepting him and for taking care of him..but the royal family was quick to make him understand that no matter whose son he was..he now is an important part of their life...

Jimin wanted the rest of his brothers to know about this including Jungkook who was a bit wise for his age... All of them were surprised knowing that Jimin is not their real brother but who cared...they just shrugged it off..

Jungkook was still pampered to the core by everyone...  The boy was very understanding even at such a young age... But then again...he was a brat who loved to annoy his hyungs.. specially Jin and Jimin.... And the training for that was given by none other than The Min Yoongi who loved to see the annoyed look on the both...

And now about the youngest member of the family Kim Taehyung.... When Jungkook first brought Tae home... they did promise to protect the moon child...but no one expected this child to become the reason for their smiles ever.... He was a ball of happiness...his smile could light up a whole life of darkness... His giggles filled the palace as his hyungs pampered him.... Each one of them shared a different bond with him....

Tae would cling on to Nayeon who would take the kid with her to wherever she goes... Jungjin and Daewoong..it seemed like their whole aim in life was to spoil him with their love and small small gifts... Tae loved the strawberry milk that Inna makes... He was a bit scared of Seunghun first but then quickly warmed up when the said man made him a play in the fountain in their garden..and ended up getting scolded by Inna as the water was too cold and the boy would have fallen ill..but that didn't stop the duo as they continued their games... Jinhyuk was like his own father.... He was there to love him..scold him...pamper him...he even made Tae call him appa...

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