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' You don't even know about it' Jimin sighed sitting down

' It must have been difficult... hiding it from Tae and all' Jungkook asked

Jimin was hanging out with Jungkook in his office. Jungkook was on his way to a meeting when Jimin suddenly popped up out of nowhere and had explained his special hangout plan...and to give it an emotional touch he said Don't I deserve to spend sometime with my little brother
Jungkook cancelled one of his meetings which was with none other than his Namjoonie hyung explaining him how his long lost brother has planned on eating him raw if he doesn't hang out with Jimin.

' It was...it still is' Jimin sighed ' And yeah Kook...Am telling you ask Tae out immediately before someone else does'

' What do you mean by someone else?' Jungkook asked frowning

' Ah there is one of our senior...on whom Tae was crushing for sometime when we were in highschool.. they met at the coffeeshop last day and that guy now visits him daily'

' He didn't tell me'

' Must have forgotten'

' But how can I ask him out like that? I mean he just sees me as his friend' Jungkook's frown was increasing

'Heyy Kook... Don't stress out..we will sort this out yeah.. anyway You both are made for each other so chill' Jimin comforted him

' Yaah Jungkook' Jimin called out his tone laced with mischief

' Yes?' Jungkook asked not sure what was about to come

' Would you like to have some tasty food for free?' Jimin wiggled his eyebrows

Jungkook knows where this is going...oh they both have done this a million times in the past

' Is that even a question' Jungkook stood up with a devilish grin

' Lets go wolfie' Jimin ran out followed by Jungkook

' Yaaah you idiots.. don't run inside my company' Jisung yelled who saw his son and Jimin running towards the lift

Both of them exited the company when they bumped into Namjoon

' What are you doing here? I had cancelled the meeting' Jungkook looked confused

' Don't I deserve to spend time with my brother..oh wait... Don't I deserve to spend sometime with my son in law?' Namjoon asked smiling..as his dimples came into view

Jungkook just rolled his eyes ' We are going to have free food..you wanna join'

Namjoon immediately nodded and followed


' Is this where you plan to get free food?' Namjoon asked

' Yesss' Both Jungkook and Jimin said simultaneously

' Or else where do you get tasty food for free??' Jimin smiled his eyes turning into crescents

' Yaaa' Namjoon almost yelled making them flinch ' I buy the things for your so called free food'

' Oh right...but hyungie we are your babies right' Jungkook asked cutely then nodded to himself and ran inside taking Jimin with him

' Aish these kids' Namjoon smiled following them into his own house.

What the three of them were not expecting was to be met with the view they were currently having

' I thought you both went out to have lunch' Namjoon said as the aforementioned stopped eating and looked at him

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