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' And then what happened?'

' And then...then Eomma hugged me saying everything was fine as appa saved her...then She asked me to go back to my room and get ready for the party' Jungkook said running his thumb over Taehyung's arm as their fingers remained interwined

' You must have been very scared' Taehyung looked up at him

' Very much' Jungkook smiled seeing the younger

Both of them had parked the car somewhere and was walking through the streets of Seoul enjoying the full moon night..hand in hand.. talking

' Would my baby love to have ice cream?' Jungkook asked wiggling his brows

' Very much' Taehyung said..his eyes widening in excitement

' Then come' Both of them ran towards a ice cream cart near the road.


Jimin closed the door plopping down on the bed with a purple journal in his hand.. Just as he was about to open it Yoongi barged in

' What are you doing pretty?'Yoongi asked leaning on the doorframe

' Going to read this' Jimin said

' Whyy? If Tae gets to kn-'

' He told me to read this' Jimin cut him off ' Am not that bad'

' No...My baby is an angel I know that...but I also know how protective you are when it comes to Tae...'

' I can't let him get hurt again' Jimin smiled sadly.

' They won't... anyway I came to tell you that I'll be with Joon... discussing something about our upcoming project.. Jin hyung and Hobi are in the living room... If you feel like going home come to me ok?' Yoongi said coming in

' Okk' Jimin smiled as Yoongi leaned down kissing him


' Where are we having our dinner?' Taehyung asked as he continued licking his ice cream

' First complete your ice cream...' Jungkook chuckled

' Meanie' Taehyung pouted

Jungkook looked at him with heart eyes as he pecked the pout ' My baby'

' Am not a baby' Taehyung poked his tongue out

' Then what are you? Tiger?' Jungkook snickered

' Yes am a brave tiger' Taehyung said proudly

' You looked more like a kicked puppy a while ago' Jungkook laughed

' Atleast am not a stupid bunny like you' Taehyung hit him

' Am not a bunny am a wolf....' Jungkook turned around trapping Taehyung between him the railing of the bridge they were on ' Or should I be your alpha'

Taehyung felt his senses getting clogged as his knees went weak just hearing Jungkook's voice... something was different..it was not his usual soft voice..rather something more deep and hoarse... something which triggered a long lost feeling in him

' Jungkook' Taehyung whispered as Jungkook leaned in more.

Taehyung had his eyes closed when Jungkook's breath hit his lips... waiting for their lips to meet when he heard Jungkook ' It's tasty...Next time I should try strawberry ice cream'

Taehyung snapped opened his eyes and saw Jungkook having his ice cream... staring at him with a stupid smirk

' You are such a tease..go am not talking to you' Taehyung pushed him away as he walked off stomping his foot

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