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' Woonie will take you out...okk baby'

' Wooniee out out' The kid bounced in Woong's hold giggling

Daewoong had little Jin in his arms as he sneaked out of the palace

' Kids aren't allowed to go out alone'

Daewoong stilled as he turned around only to see Inna standing there with Yoongi in her arms

' But am going with him though' Daewoong stated but scoffed when he saw his sister in law laughing

' Anyway where are you going?'

' Out'

' I can see that'

' To meet Nayeon'

' I also want to see her...wait am also coming' Inna turned around to leave

' But noona'

' Shut up kid...am also coming...Let me just give Yoongi to to your hyung'

' Am not a kid..am the king' Daewoong whined but Inna just laughed it off

Both of them walked towards the lake where Nayeon had promised to wait....and as expected she was there .

Nayeon bowed as soon as she saw Inna..who had a warm smile on seeing the girl

' oh my moon goddess..you are so beautiful' Inna said grinning ' You will soon be a part of our family... And am Inna... Seunghun's wife... You might have seen me...You can call me unnie'

' Wooniee down'  Jin squeakled as they laughed

Woong smiled as he set Jin down on the ground who stared at Nayeon

' Who is this little prince here' Nayeon asked kneeling in front of the kid who hid behind Daewoong's leg

'What's your name baby' Nayeon asked lovingly

' Seokjinniee' The kid said

' Yeonie...this is Jin... Jungjin's son' Daewoong said looking at the small kid behind him

' Come to Yeonie' Nayeon said extending her arms... Jin hesitated at first but couldn't resist the warm smile on Nayeon's face. It reminded him of his own mother

Nayeon panicked when she saw Jin's eyes getting teary....' Unniee..did I do something wrong..why is h-'

' Eomma'

Nayeon stopped midtrack when she heard what Jin called her...she looked down to see the kid tugging on her skirt..she immediately took him in her embrace

' Eomma' Jin again called his small hands cupped her cheeks

' He still misses Ara a lot.. He might have felt that same warmth from you...' Inna explain

' Does my Jinnie want to play with Yeonie eomma?' Nayeon asked as the kid started clapping his hands and giggled ' Then let's play'

' She sure is an angel' Inna thought smiling


Seunghun was in his chamber with Jungjin and their kids when Jinhyuk ran in.

' Seunghun hyung....Jung..' He panted

' What' Both of them asked worried

' We are too late'


Both Inna and Daewoong were smiling seeing Nayeon and Jin running around playing when Seunghun mindlinked Inna to come back quickly...but not to inform that he linked to Daewoong

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