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' We shouldn't have left him alone'

' Jin hyung relax...he will be alright'

' Alright? Hoba he is not picking up the call...I have been trying to reach him for the past one hour' Jin said desperately

Jin was trying to call Tae for a very long time..he had a gut feeling that something was wrong and that just intensified as his calls went unanswered. Seeing his helplessness Hobi agreed on taking him back home as Namjoon couldn't leave his own party as that would be disrespectful.

' Come let's go ' Hobi said as he parked the car

Jin's blood ran cold when he saw the front door not locked ' Hoba...I have locked it..then how?'

' Hyung stay back' Hobi said as he entered first with Jin following behind... who was now at the verge of breaking down. Everything seemed normal in the living room so they went  to Tae's room

Hobi stopped at the door frame causing Jin to clutch his shirt tightly from behind as he asked ' Why did you stop..move'

Jin walked past Hobi only to be met with a cute scene. Taehyung was fast asleep with his petite frame wrapped in Jungkook's protective arms. Taehyung looked so small and pure in his arms..just like a small kid..

'Now when did this happen?' Hobi whispered as Jin shrugged


Taehyung tried to turn around but stilled when he felt an arm over his waist. He slowly opened his eyes only to be met with a beautiful face. Jungkook was fast asleep with his bunny tooth poking out as small Puffs of air left his mouth... Taehyung raised his hand as his fingers traced the small scar on Jungkook's cheeks. He saw how flawless the other looked.. The small mole under his lips felt soo tempting that Taehyung wished it was his lips instead of his fingers that traced them
A blush crept on his face when he heard his own thoughts I like you Jungkook...but I don't want to loose whatever we have in between us due to my stupid feelings.

He slowly got out of Jungkook's hold without waking him up. After a while he got out of the bathroom and saw Jungkook still sleeping.. he had an adoring smile as he walked downstairs.

' Good morning dada...good morning appa' He wished his parents who were in the middle of some deep discussion

' Good morning Taebear...did you sleep well?' Namjoon asked smiling as he hugged him

' Y-yeah' He stuttered as he blushed when he remembered how Jungkook took care of him...

' Tiger..your Tea is in kitchen...go and have it' Jin said smiling

Tae nodded as he left thinking of telling them about Jungkook

' Jungkook is still here right?' Namjoon whispered to which Jin nodded

Just then as if on cue a sleepy Jungkook walked down the stairs rubbing his eyes.

Jungkook saw Tae in the kitchen and walked towards him without even sparing a glance at the two figures in the living room who were staring at him

Taehyung was taking his tea when two arms wrapped around his waist his back meeting with a hard chest making him yelp

' Good morning Taetae' Jungkook said as he nuzzled into his neck

Taehyung felt his face and ears heating up...This felt so good...so domestic...He felt like they have been like this before....Why do I feel soo familiar with all these..as if I had done this ....like I have known him before

' Good morning hyung' Taehyung said shyly ' Did you sleep well?'

' Yes I di-' Jungkook stilled... that's when the situation dawned on him. He suddenly pulled back making Taehyung turn Around with a frown ' Am sorry...I got carried away...But tell me are you ok? Did you sleep well'

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