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' I told you I don't want to go to any of your business party..they are boring' Taehyung huffed as he plopped down on his bed

' Taebear...just for this once. Dada has to go somewhere else. And it's not even a business party.. it's just the wedding reception of Dada's friend's daughter. Look Yoongs and Jimin will also be there. Please. You know your noona will be happy to see you at her reception too' Namjoon sat in front of his pouting son

' Bring me strawberries when you come back' Tae said earning a dimpled smile from his dada

' Ok baby' Namjoon kissed his forehead as the adorable pout was changed into a big boxy smile.

' Tae..come on let's get you ready for the party' Jin said as he dragged the boy with him.


' Seriously appa! I don't know why you are dragging me to your friend's son's wedding reception' Jungkook said as he drove

' Listen here young man...you are lucky that am not pestering you to get married even though you have reached the age. So be greatful and drive' Jisung scoffed

' Oh please... I don't want to get married this soon' Jungkook said rolling his eyes .


' Where are you?' Tae asked getting irritated

' Turn around you idiot we are here' Jimin replied from the other side of the phone

Taehyung turned around and saw his best friend standing with his boyfriend. A huge smile bloomed on his face when he saw them.

 A huge smile bloomed on his face when he saw them

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' Hey Yoongi hyung

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' Hey Yoongi hyung..Hi Chim' Tae said happily as he stood near them

He saw their faces paleing ' What's wrong?'

' Tae .. your eyes...' Jimin trailed off

' Jimin trailed off

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