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' Kookie...stay back' Taehyung said pouting ' Ask Bogumie hyung to come here'

Jungkook smiled seeing his adorable mate who was looking so cute with the baby bump and a big pout
' I would love be by your side pup...but I need to go.. also you know that the high priest can't travel all the way here from Verandus right'

Bogum had finally decided to give his and Lisa's relationship a chance... it's already been five years since he has met the girl who had remained loyal to him all this while... Bogum didn't find it right to keep her waiting anymore as he decided to meet the high priest of Verandus and talk about their wedding... And now Jungkook Yoongi and Jimin were going to accompany the King of Verandus for meeting the priest

' Yeah' Taehyung sighed ' Take care Koo..and come back fast... I miss you too much these days'

' Aww my baby' Jungkook kissed the omega's cheeks ' Just wait and I'll be back by night... Till then take care of yourself and our cupcake okk' Jungkook said joining their lips...both of them savouring the moment ' Stay safe Tae'

' Don't worry Kookie.. I'll be safe' Taehyung said against his lips' I love you Ian'

' I love you too my azure' Jungkook said as he then bend down towards Taehyung belly ' And I love you too cupcake'

' I'll be leaving now' Jungkook pecked once more on Tae's forehead before heading out of the chamber


' Jinnie... Woong Hobi and me are going to meet Oh Sehran shi.... Tae was craving for her handmade sweets...and we also wanted to personally meet her....Take care of Tae ok...he is too weak to even move these days' Nayeon said as Jin nodded

' Don't worry eomma... I'll be at home... Joon will be back in an hour and Jisoo is also here...' Jin smiled

' Take care son...' Daewoong patted his shoulder as they left

' Jin hyung tell Joon that I'll bring new toys and will become my berry's favorite Samchon' Hobi said giggling

' Hoba' Nayeon called out

' Coming...bye Hyung'

Jin just laughed seeing the excited alpha


'How is it going Kook' Bogum asked as he sat down beside Yoongi

' Its... actually too good...' Jungkook said as a dreamy smile came onto his lips ' I never knew that becoming a father can be this blissful... I mean... I know that I have to wait some more weeks to hold my pup in my arms...but still this feeling... nothing can compare to this'

Jimin and Yoongi had a warm smile seeing their brother

' And How is my Taetae' Bogum laughed

' If we just ignore his mood swings.. then everything is perfect' Jungkook chuckled ' But seriously hyung...he makes me the happiest person alive and I won't mind dying for him'

' Yaa! Don't talk about death when we are in the holy shrine' Jimin scolded

The four of them were assembled in the holy shrine in Verandus where The high priest Yoon Doekhwa..the most learned werewolf resided....

' Am sorry hyung...Am just too happy' Jungkook grinned

Jimin sighed as he nodded

Jimin ah... Am noticing for a long time.... Are you fine

Jimin's eyes widened when he heard Bogum's voice through the link

Yes Bogumie...am fine... it's just am not having a good feeling since the moment I left the palace

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