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Hobi sighed as he watched the trueblood resting his head on the omega's stomach...one hand linked with his love's... He could clearly see how much Jungkook was suffering seeing Tae's red cheeks and the blood stained bandaid over his forehead..

Hobi took a last look at the pair before walking towards the bench outside their room....he sat beside Jisoo who leaned onto his shoulder... breathing in his scent... Hobi interwined their fingers making her sigh in relief

' Talk to me' Hobi said making Jisoo look at him puzzled...as Hobi continued ' I know there are many things in your mind.....I know you are also hurting... share with me petal....am here for you'

Jisoo felt her eyes pricking as she nuzzled close to Hobi ' Even though Wooshik was my first love..he had left a huge scar on my life....he became my greatest pain...and I hate him with my everything...but today when I saw himm.. I...I got so scared Hoba.... '

Hobi wrapped an arm around her as she sobbed

' I saw Tae...a-all wounded and he was bl-bleeding so badly...his nose...his forehead....he looked so pale... Hobi he was being forced...that monster was going to mark our Tae forcefully a-and' Jisoo sat straight suddenly turning towards Hobi as her cheeks continued getting stained with tears ' And he was crying..he was calling out for Jungkook...I ca-can't even imagine what would have happened if I didn't reach their on time... Hoba o-our Tae...he'

' Shhh....shhh' Hobi held her close letting her cry on his chest ' Nothing happened... Our Tae is safe and is with us.... You reached on time..you saved him.... Nothing will go wrong now' Hobi sad rubbing her shoulder as Jisoo let her emotions flow


Taehyung fluttered opened his eyes... scrunching his nose when the bright light hit him.... He roamed his sleepy eyes all around the room trying to figure out where he was when he felt a weight on his tummy...

He smiled when he saw a mop of raven hair sprawled over him....the alpha looked so innocent while sleeping... Taehyung's smile faltered when he saw the tear stains of the Trueblood's cheeks...he frowned but a shooting pain on his forehead made him straighten the crease...his hand travelled up to his forhead as he feeled the hard material there....His breathing heaved when the memories of the day hit him hard... His eyes brimmed with water but he found it hard to make any voice..he tried to extend his arms to touch the trueblood

Jungkook was deep in sleep when he felt the air around him change...the smell of wild berries that always calmed him was now making him restless..he immediately opened his eyes only to see Taehyung struggling to breath

He stood up making the younger sit and pulled him into his arms..as he rubbed his back..he understood that Tae was having a panic attack

' Am here pup....am here' He kept on chanting till he felt the omega's breath becoming even

' Jungkook' Taehyung called out in his broken voice as he pulled back from the hug ' He tr-tried to mark me... He hurt me Jungkook..he is a rogue..he Wooshik..he wanted to mark me...he-'

Jungkook felt a pang in his chest seeing the younger's fear struck orbs...he could see the boy shaking...

' Tae... Tae' Jungkook held both his hand ' He won't come back.... He got his punishment... I threw him out of the Kingdom'

' He is alive?'

Jungkook was taken aback by Taehyung's question... Taehyung was the kindest soul anyone could ever see... And seeing him taking about killing someone

' Yes bu-'

' He will come back' Taehyung started panicking ' He will ag-again attack us..he will kill Jungkook..he wil-'

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