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' Now where are you going? You have a meeting in ten' Jisung asked getting annoyed

' Am off work for today. It's too tiring' Jungkook stood up taking his coat along with him. ' And why am I needed when the founder of The Jeon Empire is here himself' Jungkook asked cutely as he pinched Jisung's cheeks 'Bye appa' Jungkook walked out of the office

' Idiot' Jisung mumbled even though a fond smile was already on his lips.


Jungkook drove through the streets deciding on where to go when his eyes fell on a building. Even he doesn't know what got into him when he parked his car outside the building and walked in.

He stopped as he glanced at the board hug at the entrance Public library

Jungkook was never fond of books..and library was never a place he would go in his senses.

He walked in looking around..this was his first time visiting this place. It was so silent and peaceful inside the library and seemed like it was newly built but Jungkook's mind was restless. He walked further in..eyes wandering along the high shelves. He stopped when he reached a side which looked like it was the untouched part of the old library. This part looked nothing like the other parts of the building. Why didn't they renovate this part He thought walking close

He walked closer taking in the view of the books when something caught his attention

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He walked closer taking in the view of the books when something caught his attention. A black book with a weird symbol on the cover page. It looked way too old which fueled up his curious mind.He slowly lifted his hand taking the book off the shelf.

He slowly lifted his hand taking the book off the shelf

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A weird feeling settled in him as he opened the book... going through them. Jungkook found his own breathing getting hard as he went through the pictures of each page. With shaky fingers he turned the pages as different images came into view

 With shaky fingers he turned the pages as different images came into view

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