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Weeks passed by after Tae's first heat which lasted for almost three or four days... All this while Yoongi was in charge of the kingdom while Jungkook was busy taking care of Taehyung in their pack house..where Jin or Jimin used to bring their food and clothes

These days Jungkook is too busy with the affairs of the Kingdom...since the harvest was too good this year many merchants from outside the kingdom have started approaching Eleanor and Jungkook had to personally meet them... In the middle of all the rush and works Jungkook was not able to spend enough time with Taehyung....he would leave for counsels early morning..even before Tae waking up and might be back too late or too tired... Tae was so understanding as he never nagged Jungkook for being too busy

Currently Taehyung and Hobi were in the nursery... looking at the pups

' What are you thinking?' Hobi asked as he continued to decorate the younger's blue locks with white flowers

' Nothing hyung' Taehyung smiled ' Why'

' You look different... Like you look tired...lost?'

' No... May be because I miss Kookie too much...' Taehyung mumbled

' Just a matter of some more days bear.... He will sort out the trades fast and then he will spend a lot of time with you '  Hobi said caressing his cheeks

' I know hyungie.... It's just... I don't know... I feel like I don't have much time left with him...I feel like am loosing him'

Hobi frowned when he saw the tears threatening to fall from the almond eyes of the omega

' Hey... Tae...Is everything alright? Did something happen between you two?'

' No no hyung... everything is fine.. Leave it..may be am just overthinking all of these ' Taehyung smiled assuring the elder

' Am here for you to share anything ok?'

' Yes hyungie'

' Heyy Taetae... Hobi hyungie' Jimin called as he came towards them ' What are you guys doing?'

' Nothing hyung...just watching the pups play' Taehyung replied

' Tae' Jimin's voice became serious all of a sudden

' Yes Jiminie?'

' Are you eating well? You look pale' Jimin said..his eyes wandering all over the younger's face

' Am just feeling a bit tired hyung...' Taehyung sighed

' Let's go home now...take rest for a while..come on' Hobi said standing up as Taehyung silently followed

Taehyung was in his chamber when he felt a wave of nausea hit him...he held on to the wall to prevent himself from falling as his surroundings started to spin..... He closed his eyes taking in deep breaths as sweat trickled down his forehead

What's happening to me His thoughts broke when he suddenly ran towards the washroom and puked his gut out...he had am arm wrapped around his tummy as he emptied his stomach.... He stood and washed his mouth and slowly walked out feeling very tired...

' I should just go get some sleep' Taehyung said to himself as he laid down on the bed


Jungkook was in the middle of a counsel when he felt his insides churn....he felt an uneasiness wrapping around him clogging his senses...as his mind automatically wandered off to Taehyung

' Alpha?' Yoongi called him as the trueblood abruptly stood up

' Am sorry Jaeye shi.... Can we please postpone this to some other time.... I have to be somewhere.. about which I totally forgot... ' Jungkook said

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