Chapter 39

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I took a paper towel and cleaned myself up as much as I could. I threw up once more and then washed out my mouth. I then looked myself over as Grace said goodbye and left the bathroom wishing me luck. I was then left with nothing else to do. Except sit four hours in an airplane with Kendall by me knowing something he didn't. I then got the courage to then pull the bathroom door open. I walked out slowly to see Kendall leaning against a pillar across from the bathroom doors. He looked worried.

"Babe, you okay?" He asked me worried. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, just took awhile because Grace, that's the pregnant woman that had a baby on her side, had me hold Maggie, the baby, while she used the restroom. Then I went while she changed Maggie and then by the time I was done, Grace had to go again. Pregnant women, right?" I laughed nervously. Kendall furrowed his brow.

"Are you okay, Soph? You are really pale and look really sick. You feeling okay baby?" He asked reaching to touch my forehead. He then pulled his hand back. "You're clammy." He said. I nodded and closed my eyes for a second.

"I wasn't feeling well. I'm fine. Don't worry about it. I'm better now." I smiled assuring him. Kendall nodded still not sure.

"Well, let's go sit for awhile that way if you pass out it's not from the standing position that you fall from." He said as a joke, but it felt like it was actually going to happen. I sat and rested my head on Kendall's shoulder, falling asleep. He then woke me when we had to board the plane. I didn't want to fly right now. I was going to get sick again. I don't want to puke in a plane full of people.

"Babe, I'm not going on that plane." I mumbled. Kendall furrowed his brow.

"I just asked if you were alright. What's wrong? You can sleep the entire flight if you're feeling like you're getting a cold. Come on." He assured me taking a step closer to the line to board. I shook my head and then felt as if I was going to puke again. Kendall was starting to get mad.

"You can sleep on the plane, Sophia. Get on the plane." He said annoyed. I shook my head. I then took a step away.

"You go ahead. You go on the plane and see the people I hate." I told him. I shook my head again and felt like crying. I was so stressed out. I then started walking past the people in line behind us. I kept walking and could hear an aggravated Kendall trying to follow me.

"Sophia, stop being so immature. Just wait a second. Sophia?!" Kendall exclaimed following me to the bathroom doors, but a good ten feet behind me as I went into the women's bathroom. I ran into the first stall which at this point was like a second home for me. Kendall then walked into the bathroom not caring that women could possibly be in there but there was no one except me.

"Sophia, I hope you have a good excuse because I was going to do something for-" he started ranting but stopped once he saw what was happening. "Babe, what's happening?" He asked coming into the stall and taking my hair from my hand.

"I don't know. I need to see a doctor." I told him. He looked so confused. He was trying to piece it together himself but he's a man who misread all the obvious signs which was good until I could figure out what was happening for certain. Kendall helped me to my feet and then we took a cab to his place. I passed out in his bed until the next evening. Every time I got up, was to get sick. Every time I did get up, Kendall was by my side. I had Kendall set up a doctors appointment for the next day and then it came time to go to it.

I barely could crawl out of bed. But I did. I put on some of Kendall's grey sweat pants, a black tank top he also provided, and then one of his plaid shirts. He drove me to the doctors and insisted to come in with me. I assured him it'll be just as boring from the parking lot. I went in and sat for awhile. But eventually I was called and then told that we were doing tests. But I'd have to wait for results. I thanked the doctor and eventually went out to the parking lot.

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