Chapter 8

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"Let's go!" Gabby yelled already dressed in her usual skinny jeans, a purple top, and her purple Jordan's. She had her hip popped out as she scrolled Twitter I was fairly certain as she was always on there or Instagram.

"I'm coming!" I yelled at her. I put on my usual boyfriend style jeans rolled up slightly at the ankle, oxford flats, a pink tank top with a nice floral cardigan. I put my hair in a messy bun with loose strands, and threw on my glasses. I grabbed my phone and remembered the messages hidden inside the screen. I sighed happily. We walked down the stairs and to my car outside. Then Gabby's phone went off and she smirked.

"We will need to go shopping today." She said with a smirk once we were inside the car. I furrowed my brow as we buckled up.

"Why is that?" I asked as I pulled out of my spot.

"We are going to a party." She said happily scrolling on her phone.

"We are?" I asked her driving to our normal breakfast spot, a little coffee shop. I liked Starbucks, but since Gabby worked there, I figured it was nice for her to get away from it on her days off.

"Yes, so after breakfast, we are going to go get some dresses and heels, because you sweetie need some heels." She informed me. I rolled my eyes not knowing what she was planning, but I had to say I was a tad nervous for it. We did as planned and ate. I shared that Kendall and I had a conversation and Gabby smacked my arm in jealousy a few times. I couldn't help but laugh. We then were off with iced coffees in hand like typical girls, to the boutiques Gabby recommended.

"I know I can't afford much of anything in here, but I'll find some place cheaper and I'll get something there." Gabby said assuring me as we walked in. I gave her a look of disapproval.

"I'll buy you a dress. Get what you like." I told her as we scanned the racks. She tilted her head to the side as she looked to me. She wasn't going to accept easily it seemed.

"I'm still going with the cheap end of the rack. Thanks though." She smiled at me as she accepted which I hadn't thought she would so quickly.

"What kind of party are we going to?" I asked her as I found a really pretty taffeta orange dress, but didn't know if it was too flashy.

"Album release." She said moving hanger after hanger down the rack.

"For who?" I asked looking at her over the rack between us. She smirked studying a black dress in front of her.

"A guy by the name of Jackson Guthy." She smiled at me confidently. I giggled. He was who opened for Big Time Rush when we arrived at the concert the other week.

"Are we invited this time, or are we sneaking in again?" I asked her still watching her look through the dresses. She laughed without looking at me.

"We are invited! Well, we are inviting ourselves. You know, you're lucky my family is so big." She said looking up at me finally as I raised my eyebrow.

"Who's sneaking us in today then?" I asked her amused. She smiled and held up a purple dress.

"My little brother, he's working as part of the wait staff for the catering company so he can get extra cash to buy a new phone." She said looking in a full length mirror at the end of the rack, and holding the dress to her body.

"Are we only ever going to get in places together while not sneaking in?" I asked her doubting she would ever get us in somewhere where we weren't snuck in. I didn't mind though, it was kind of fun actually. She laughed and looked at me in the reflection in the mirror.

"We are here in the store legally. We can go to the movies another time, this stuff is once in a life time type events." She said flipping her hair as she turned around. "I like this one. Pick one so we can go try some on now." She told me strutting around the rack between us and coming to stand next to me. She took the orange dress out of my hands and held it up to me.

"Orange isn't your color." She told me hanging up the dress and pushing me towards the blue dresses. "Blue is." She assured me. We gathered a few dresses, she stuck to reds, purples, and blacks, as I stuck to blues, yellows, and whites. We tried on a few but didn't find any we like until the last ones we had saved for last for a reason.

She had on a dark purple silk dress that hugged her Latina curves perfectly. The neckline was sweetheart, it was strapless and had a black lace belt under the bust and hung just half way down her thigh. She looked gorgeous already. I however settled for a less body hugging dress, not because I was body conscious, it just wasn't my style to wear things like that. I went for a knee length a-line skirted, square neck lined sleeveless dress.

The fabric cinched at the waist and was white with blue flowers spreading towards my legs and neck, but was gathered where it looked like flowers growing from the belt like cut. It was gorgeous and Gabby finally agreed to let me get it when I agreed to wear blue heels with it so it was more 'chic'. She had black heels already at home so I only bought her her dress and mine along with the blue heels.

But as we left the store with bags in hand, my phone want off because of Twitter.

Kendall messaged me again.

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