Chapter 12

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We pulled into Disneyland!

"Oh my gosh! Kendall!" I said looking out the window like I was a six year old.

"Amusement park." Kendall said happily. We got situated and then started walking inside. It was magical and I couldn't have figured a sweeter thing to do for someone. I however was not as enthusiastic as Kendall would've liked. "You don't seem too happy." He said as we walked past the gift shop. I smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry. This is one of the nicest things anyone's done for me out of the goodness of their heart, but I am constantly tired. I'm sorry I'm such a mood killer." I told him honestly as I just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep on the sidewalk which was not sanitary. He searched my face.

"Why are you so tired?" He asked as Gabby looked excited enough for all of us combined as she watched all the attractions going wild in the sky.

"School." I told him bluntly. He laughed not believing me.

"I thought you were like perfect at school." He told me. I smiled sadly.

"I was. Now, not so much. I feel like I'm trying to be who I was before, like I'm trying to be my high school self, but I'm not fully her anymore." I said with my arms across my chest. Kendall nodded understandingly.

"You've been to an amusement park, had your first kiss, have two illegal acts under your belt, and had your first dance. You're definitely not her anymore." He said half teasing and half sincere. I nodded in agreement. "Maybe having a taste of freedom and not being completely alone is why you don't think you have to throw everything you have into your school work now?" He asked as I shrugged.

"I guess so, but shouldn't it be a good thing? Like shouldn't I be able to be happy with friends and be able to over achieve academically?" I asked him. He sighed and put his arm around my shoulders.

"I don't think so. You're probably one of those normal, people who are stuck with being either average with an average social life, under achiever with a great social life, or you're an over achiever with a lacking social life." Kendall said sadly. I groaned.

"Having friends is hard." I told him in a whine getting him to laugh loudly for a second. He smiled and nodded.

"Maybe change it up." He said. I gave a questioning look. "Change it up as in, maybe you should've taken a break from school." He said shrugging as we walked to our destination, a ride Gabby wanted to go on. She currently was on her phone or taking pictures. That suggestion of Kendall's however didn't sound too crazy. I needed some sleep, I needed to experience life.

"Thanks Kendall." I told him. He smiled down at me still with his arm around my shoulders. I couldn't see his eyes because of his sunglasses, but I could tell he was truly smiling where his eyes would crinkle around the outer corners.

"No problem." He told me as we separated to get on the ride. The amusement park was crazy. I enjoyed every minute of it. I was loving being with Kendall and Gabby, two very great people. We spent the day on all the rides and taking pictures like total dorks with the people dressed up. It was crazy to post pictures with Kendall in them. I didn't tag him though, as I didn't want to alert the presses of him being in my life so they'd stalk me constantly.

At around four we had done basically everything you could do at Disneyland and left with a lot of unnecessary souvenirs. We were driving back to my house when Kendall pulled out a piece of paper with a pen attached to it from his middle console and handed it to me. I was confused.

"What is this?" I asked him. He kept his eyes on the road.

"Cross off number three." Kendall told me. I opened it up and saw my 'mental' list of rebellion and life. It was titled "Sophia's List" and he had all ten listed on there.

"You made an actual list for me?" I asked him. He smirked as Gabby leaned forward between us from the back seat.

"Aw! How sweet!" She cooed looking at the list that I had already told her about as well.

"I told you I wanted to help you." He smiled and looked my way. Butterflies erupted in a frenzy in my stomach.

How was he going to help me with everything on that list? I mean, there was some pretty personal stuff on there and I felt like it would be odd to help me with some of it. I however wasn't going to tell him that. He was being very sweet and I didn't want to act like a 'prude' friend. I drew a line through number three on the list, that was the first of many that Kendall helped me with.

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