Chapter 5

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"I thought I told you to leave?!" Kendall exclaimed as Logan fixed his pants at his waist again and sighed embarrassed. I looked at Gabby with wide eyes as she started to speak.

"How were we suppose to just leave?" She asked letting her Latina sass seep into her question her arms now over her chest as she popped a hip out. James widened his eyes and narrowed them onto her.

"Walk?!" He questioned her as if it were so simple. She glared at him.

"We would've been seen." I explained holding up a hand in front of me to try to calm him down. He scoffed, still annoyed.

"Maybe you shouldn't be doing illegal things." James shrugged putting his own arms over his chest. He wasn't letting us off as easily as Kendall had, and that annoyed me. I glared at him that time, popping out my hip then as well

"You're not as nice as I thought you would've  been." I said crossing my own arms. He looked at me as if to say 'really?' In a sarcastic tone. "You really are just the pretty face." I said with distaste, knowing that'd get under his skin. I knew him well enough that he wouldn't want to be known just as a 'pretty face' because he felt like he was so much more, which he was. But he was also very rude to us, so I used it as ammo.

"Okay, calm down both of you." Carlos said looking at both me and James taking a step forward and gesturing for us both to follow his instructions. Just then someone knocked on the metal pole holding the curtains up. Kendall immediately motioned for us to hide back behind the couch again. Gabby and I about fell on top of each other in a pile on the floor. We stayed still and silent as the guys acted natural.

"Hey, what's keeping you guys?" A woman asked opening the curtain as the guys then acted like they were still changing.

"We're done now." James said smiling and walking out of the dressing room.

"Yeah, just couldn't find the third outfit." Carlos smiled at her as he put his arm around her shoulders and started talking to her. He managed to pull her away from the curtain to distract her. Kendall then looked over the back of the futon at us with a reassuring gaze. I stared up at him as I felt like I was in awe just looking at that gorgeous man.

"Stay in here until I come to get you. Otherwise, you'll be seen. I have a way to get you out without having the cops called." Kendall assured Gabby and I. We nodded in unison as we sat up and looked over the futon cushion. Logan looked at us and smiled genuinely at us before turning to leave the dressing room. Gabby giggled but then covered her mouth with her hand. Kendall then looked to me once more as he gave a small half smile and left the room. Upon his exit, the lights were turned off once more.

"God, he's hot." Gabby said talking about Logan, I hoped. I laughed and sneaked a peek out under the curtain at what song they were doing now. They were at the acoustic part of the show now. They played a few songs and then that's when the guys each walked out with an extra stool and sat them beside their own. I knew exactly what it was for.

"So you all know this song!" Carlos spoke into the microphone.

"It's one we play at every show, however we like to bring up some ladies to sing to." James smiled to his left where the girls screamed. I rolled my eyes at their obsession, even though I was just like them when it came to these guys.

"We like to think of all of you as our beautiful Worldwide girls, but we like to bring up four of you to sing to intimately." Logan said as girls everywhere screamed at the word 'intimately'. Where was Kendall? I scanned the stage and didn't see him anywhere after he walked away after setting an extra stool next to his.

"Hey!" Someone whispered from the curtain door, it was opening which made us jump. Our head snapped to look behind us as we sighed in relief at who it was. It was Kendall. "Come on." He said holding the curtain open for us. Gabby and I stood then and hurried to the curtain where the beautiful man opened the curtain for us. We scurried out of the dressing room and followed Kendall to the side of the stage without problem. He turned to look at us boy for a second, his eyes looked at Gabby only a second before his eyes turned to me, my heart skipping a beat, before he grabbed my hand. That feeling I had felt before was back and stronger this time. Nervously, I followed him. He led me onto the stage in plain view of everyone. I ignored all the eyes on me in the middle of the hot stage lights. I just focused On the hand in mine, and how I was following him closely.

"I've found mine!" Kendall said into his mic raising my hand proudly, and making me blush as girls made noises of envy. Logan then passed by us and walked over to the side of the stage where he grabbed Gabby's hand and brought her out as well. She had a smirk on her face the size of Texas.

"I did too!" He said with a dimpled smile. Kendall and Logan led us to sit with them on the stools as the other two told security guards who they wanted as their Worldwide girls. James picked, who I assumed was a twenty year old girl, with a very pretty head of hair that curled down her back. Meanwhile, Carlos had picked a small chubby eight year old looking girl who made the audience all around 'awe' in response. They got them situated onstage once security brought them up as Kendall whispered to me as the music started. His beautiful eyes burning into me. He was serious, but he was still kind.

"As soon as the song is over, you should go back to the front row where the two of you don't have seats." Kendall said remembering who I was I guess and our interaction. I nodded as the all too familiar music started up. James's voice started as Kendall then backed him up. His voice created chills down my arm as Kendall still had my hand. He gripped it tightly as he smiled gently to me from where he sat.

"Yes! I may! Meet a million pretty girls that know my name, but don't you worry." Logan sang as Gabby squealed like I've never heard her make a noise before, behind Kendall. Kendall's eyes stayed on mine and sang beautifully.

"'Cause you have my heart!" He said with his eyes closed and his voice picked up. Shivers went up my spine and I could tell he noticed. He smirked and squeezed my hand again. I felt like I was nearly about to pass out from the adrenaline rushing through me. I turned out everything except for Kendall, my heart beat heard in my ears loudly in addition to the silky voice of the performer beside me. Towards the end of the song is when I finally came back to life. My eyes were glossed over from looking into Kendall's eyes the entirety of the song and my heart was starting to calm down as well.

Kendall then stood as the song ended along with all the guys who gave hugs to all the Worldwide girls. My breath caught in my lungs as Kendall held me against him. His scent intoxicated me even further and if I had needed to, I probably wouldn't have passed a sobriety test. Gabby and I were led off the stage by Logan and Kendall as they held our hands still until we reached the stage stairs once again.  We stood back in our spots from earlier, since we didn't have seats but made it appear as though we did by how we stood. My body was numb with the blood coursing through my veins as I couldn't believe this had all just been real. I grabbed Gabby's hand and took a shaky breath, I was crying like a fool. Gabby looked at me with a smile as she reached over and wiped a tear before it fell.

"Thank you." I whispered to her. She nodded and gave me a hug I definitely needed as this was the best night of my life.

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