Chapter 14

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"So, you're eyes are going to water a tad bit." The woman, who had helped me pick out my tattoo idea, said. She was the one piercing my nose. I closed my eyes and felt a slight pinch and then a release. It was going to throb for awhile I could tell.

I opened my eyes as tears had for sure formed in them. Kendall was sitting on the edge of the plastic chair I had been in before and I had replaced where he had been. He looked at me in wonder of how I was feeling. I gave him a thumbs up. It wasn't too bad.

"Okay, now lean back. Relax, give me your arm." The tattoo artist instructed as I did as told. Kendall then stood and walked over to the left side of my body. I had gotten my piercing on my left nostril and was getting my tattoo on my right wrist. The artist prepared my skin as he then was starting the needle. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain. But I felt nothing.

"Sophia, you okay?" Kendall asked me. I fluttered my eyelashes open as I looked up at him.

"Yes, why?" I asked innocently.

"You're awfully pale." The artist instructed me. I giggled nervously, just wanting to hurry up and get out of here.

"I'm fine." I lied. I felt dizzy, but didn't want to chicken out and have number seven still on the list. Kendall exchanged a nod with the tattooer as he then continued to penetrate my skin with a needle. It wasn't what I expected. The burning only happened when the tattooer lifted the needle for more ink. But the second time his needle lifted, my stomach churned and I felt like I was going to get sick.

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine a happy place. Then a hand took mine and suddenly, my worries washed away. I took a shallow breath and opened my left eye. Kendall's hand was holding mine as he had moved a chair over to my side. I grinned happily up over at him as he returned the expression.

It took a mere twenty minutes for my tattoo. It was beautifully meaningless and I loved it. Kendall inspected it when it was done holding his thumb on my palm and the rest of his hand on the back of my hand.

"It looks really good." He assured me. I smiled feeling so much better than I had before it happened. I worked myself up, I think.

"It does, doesn't it?" I asked admiring it as well. We finished up and then continued on home where Kendall dropped me off. I would've asked to hang out, maybe get something to eat, but he had to get back to set, so I didn't want to bother him.

"Thank you for everything." I told him before I got out of the car. He smiled and then reached into his pocket with the same pen and same piece of paper.

"Cross off seven and eight. You're a rebel." He said laughing light heartedly. I laughed along side him, unfolding the paper, crossing them off, and then handed him the paper back as he glanced at it. He smirked as he read one of the things listed.

"What?" I asked him leaning towards the paper to guess which one he was going to try to help me with next. He folded it back up and put it in his pocket quickly as if I didn't know what was on there already. I glared playfully at him.

"Nothing to see here little lady. Get a move on." He said with a fake twang to his voice. I giggled and sighed.

"Alright. Goodbye to you too." I said opening the door and then stepping half way out the door as his hand grabbed my wrist holding me from moving. My head turned back to look at him. His eyes burned with such an intensity, those old emotions from my not knowing him on a personal level had returned and my mouth was now dry. He stared at me for a second and then smiled.

"Take a nap." He said before letting me go. I furrowed my brow in confusion and then got out of the car. I then bent over to look through his open passenger side window. He smiled.

"See ya later." He said winking and then waving goodbye. I took a step back as he pulled away. Then it hit me. Number one.

I hurried inside the building, in the elevator, and up to my apartment with my nerves and emotions still running wild. I felt like I was going to smile myself to death. I got changed into some cute blue with white polka dots pajama bottoms and a white zip up hoodie over a white tank top.

I lied down, and soon my day seemed like it hadn't even happened. Like I didn't have a new piercing, tattoo, or adoration for Kendall. It was like I was miserable with school all over again. I was tired suddenly, as soon as I hit the sheets and I was fast asleep dreaming of tests and broken down cars. I woke up in a panic as my phone, as if 'planned' went off at twelve in the morning exactly. BTR's song was playing which only meant Kendall. I grabbed it in a frenzy as a light outside my fifth story window flashed.

"Hello?" I asked him.

"Look outside." He told me cheekily. I smiled to myself. I got up stiffly and walked over to the window where light was flashing from the sidewalk below. I opened the thin curtains and saw a light flashing in my face.

"Augh!" I said into the speaker, blinded by the light. It then switched off and Kendall chuckled in the speaker of his phone.

"Sorry, Carlos got overly excited to use his new flood light." Kendall said. My eyes focussed and I could see outside then. There was a line of cars that usually would have been towed for parking illegally so close to the building, but since it was midnight, no one seemed to care. A car, Kendall's was first in line with it's lights on.

There Kendall was standing by the driver's side of the car smiling with the phone up to his ear, looking up at my window. I grinned then when I saw Gabby's face then too. The next car behind them was James on the drivers side, Dustin next to him, as I assumed he would sit behind James, and Logan on the passenger of James's car smiling up at me with their head lights on as well. Then the last one, Carlos with his flood light. He was flashing it at his wife, Alexa down below, as she looked like she was cussing him out for it as well. I smiled.

"You're crazy." I told Kendall through the phone. He laughed and raised his hand.

"I thought you wanted to experience that?!" He asked as I couldn't help myself. I darted towards the door.

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