Chapter 22

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Kendall and I walked over to a little couch in the corner of the club. He sat me down and then knelt before me. I smiled at him. He smiled back.

"You're very drunk." He said. I sighed and leaned forward with my arms around his shoulders.

"You're very cute. We are both 'very'." I said gasping as if it were exciting news. Kendall laughed and looked down.

"You need to sober up. I wasn't planning on doing number five tonight. I was actually thinking number four anyway." He said getting off the floor and taking my arms off his neck. He sat next to me as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"We were gonna pop pills?" I asked him surprised and not sure of it even as I was drunk. He laughed and shook his head.

"More like smoke." He said. I 'ooh'ed and giggled. "But it's pointless to do it when you're drunk." He said getting comfortable on the couch and putting his foot up in the other. I sighed and then somehow ended up with my head on his lap and my feet over the edge of the two cushion couch.

"Stop spinning." I told him touching his face over his nose and mouth. He pulled his face away smiling. He then had my hands by the wrists and put them over my own face making me laugh uncontrollably.

"You're a funny drunk." He said. I cleared my throat and tried to look serious.

"I am not drunk. I am sober as can be." I told him taking control of my hands again and running one through his hair. He smiled down at me. It was weird, I was able to be crazy and he still wanted to be around me.

"Really? If you're sober you should try to say 'how much wood could a wood Chuck Chuck if a wood Chuck could chuck wood'." Kendall said. I gasped.

"Challenge accepted." I told him looking passed him and to the ceiling of the club. "How much wood would a wood wood wood wood... Chuck Chuck Chuck. Could. Crushed it!" I said hoping he wouldn't notice it was out of order. He laughed and put a hand to his forehead.

"Holy crap, you're totally wasted." He said laughing.

"I'm not a waste." I told him pouting. He sighed.

"No, I mean," he said going to correct his wording before he noticed I was staring up at him. His skin smoothed and he looked placidly down at me. His hand then ran his fingers through my hair. "You're not a waste. You're beautiful." He said seriously down to me. I sat up then and kept his eye contact. I fluttered my eyelashes and then let them close. I started to lean close to him. I was a mere centimeter away from his lips when he stopped me.

"No, Sophia. We can't, not when-" He started as I took it as he didn't like me back. I pulled away fully and then felt so embarrassed. I was sobering up by the second. I needed to get another drink.

"I-I'm sorry." I said sounding fully sober even though I still had a buzz going on in my head. I stood up and then gained my balance. I started my way through the crowd as fast as I could.

"Sophia, no, wait." Kendall called out not being able to maneuver through the crowd. I could spot James at the bar still with a girl in the spot I had been in before. I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned mid laugh and smiled at me. He looked a little drunk himself.

"Hey Sophia!" He smiled at me.

"I need you to order me another drink like Kendall had. That did some major work on my brain." I said trying to make sense even though the alcohol was still on my brain. James furrowed his brow and looked at the girl. He said goodbye to her and I sat in where she had just been.

"What's wrong?" He asked serious and calling over the bartender and ordering another two drinks.

"I was going in to kiss Kendall and then he said no. He doesn't like me and I'd like to forget that." I told him sounding completely sober this time. James sighed and rubbed my back.

"Sorry, Soph." He said. I sighed at the nickname. The bartender brought over two drinks. I downed mine in about a minute. Then before James finished the one he had been on when I walked over, I took the one he had ordered for himself.

"Sorry." I said after I drank it. It finally created a numbing feeling. He smiled and ordered three more just in case. By the end of the next two, James downed the third. We were now laughing at nothing and leaning all over one another. I tried to stand up but about fell as James laughed.

"Allow me." James bowed to me standing up and then taking off my heels. I gasped drunkenly and clapped. We both broke out into laughter. He handed me my heels and suddenly my hand kept his in mine and I took the heels in the other hand. I tossed them next to the bar under the stools.

"Let's dance." I whispered trying to be seductive. James must've thought I was, or he was just as wasted if not worse than me. Then before I knew it we were just as bad as the rest of the club dancers. Grinding and making out. I forgot my morals along with my feelings of Kendall as I kept the drinks coming and James' lips on mine.

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