Chapter 27

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I woke up the next day to Kendall's body so close to mine I couldn't move without him waking up, so I stayed. I watched the lines of his face look softened and carefree since his slumber made him that way.

He was beautiful in the most manly way possible. He was purely amazing. His eyelashes fluttered as his lips curved into a smile.

"Watching me sleep is the first sign of creepiness." He teased me. I rolled my eyes and tried to roll away from him as I giggled. He kept his hold on me. He kissed my lips once and then started kissing down my neck making me giggle.

"Oh my gosh. Kendall! No!" I said as he tried to have a repeat of last night. He jutted his bottom lip out down at me, but then smiled and leaned down to kiss me again. This time he wasn't expecting anything else.

"I want to show you off today." He whispered jumping off me and rolling off the bed. I giggled and lied there.

"Meaning?" I asked him intrigued. He shrugged pulling on his boxers and then his jeans he had worn last night.

"You do whatever you need to do and I'll go home for a change of clothes and shower. Then I'll be back in an hour." He said throwing on his shirt. I lied back on the side of the bed where he had lied. He walked back over and leaned down to kiss me.

"I mean it, one hour." He warned me. I nodded with his face a few inches away. I kissed him again. "I love you." He told me breathless as he stared down into my eyes. My heart must have adopted the butterflies that had once lived in my stomach because they now live in my heart and they made my heart beat as fast as their wings would beat.

"I love you." I answered as he smiled and kissed me once more and then headed towards the bedroom door.  He looked back once more and smiled at me. He left the apartment and I was left with an hour to get ready.

I got in the shower and then changed into a cute cream dress with pink floral all over it. I put on some flats and left my hair to dry in it's naturally straight state. I dabbed a few drops of makeup on my face and decided to turn on my phone as I swept mascara on my eyelashes. I was finished with thirty minutes to spare. I walked into the living room feeling better that I was now actually dressed and showered for the first time in a week. I couldn't believe we had sex when I was so gross.

I waited in the living room scrolling through messages and tweets. Kendall had some pretty depressing tweets like 'Always feeling like I could've done something to tell her' or 'Why cant people just tell those they love that they love them?' In the past week which really worried his fans. I felt like that was my fault, but then suddenly he had tweeted again today about ten minutes ago. 'For all those worried, love saves. Believe.' He had tweeted making my heart flutter again.

Within twenty minutes I had responded to some tweets of Kendall's fans asking if we were an item or if we were together from the past two weeks. I simply replied 'Ask Kendall :)' to them all in hopes he'd get floods of tweets. I sighed waiting. Then a knock on the door livened my boredom. I almost skipped to the door when Kendall was scrolling down his twitter.

"Really? 'Ask Kendall'?" He asked walking into the apartment and giving me a face of annoyance. I smiled innocently. "You're lucky you're cute." He said smiling and then tapping my nose with his finger. I then leaned forward with my lips puckered as he responded with a quick brush of the lips. Before whispering, "and that I love you." To add to his statement before. I giggled and shook my head.

"Let's go." I told him.

"You don't even know where we're going." He said. I shrugged.

"You said you wanted to show me off, then do it." I told him. He smirked. He took my hand as we walked down to the elevator and waited for it to drop. Kendall looked at my wrist where my tattoo was.

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